
What did kane do to rey???

by  |  earlier

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im worried cuz kane said hes dead and it would suck if they killed off rey from wwe like paul bearer




  1. Well Rey could be gone soon from the WWE. His contract is up sometime soon (I'm not sure exactly when). Rey wants more money to sign a new contract and they don't want to give him more money because he is hurt all the time. It really wouldn't be smart to give him more money, because Rey is hurt anywhere from 1 - 9 months a year anyway. He is good when healthy but that is not very often anymore.

    So if he is not going to sign a new contract they might bring him back to lose to Kane or just use this as a way to write him out of the WWE. If he signs a new contract then they can bring him back and have him beat Kane.

  2. thats what kane meant when he said is he alive or dead maybe he knew he beat up rey mysterio really badly and was wondering if he was alive or dead

  3. He's injured buddy boy

    Kane injured him

  4. nothing its fake

  5. Lol. They're not going to kill him off he will be at Summerslam if the info is correct cause they have his name on there.

  6. NO, part of the storyline

  7. lol dude if Kane kill rey kane will be arrested and get fire from WWE

    Rey is jsut injure and he wants more money from WWE and WWE won't do that so Rey might quit.They are just making a storyline to get hype for his return maybe they are making storylines to make you watch every week and make u guess instead of predictable

    Also Paul is not dead lol it's a storyline WWE will get sued if they kill ppl wait they will get banded

  8. nonthin i guess rey decided to help kane fool the GM so he decided to give him his mask as a decoy

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