
What did my daughter see ??

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Please, only seriour answers. Today my daughter walked into the living room and started screaming. She said something was in the living room. Quickly I took her outside. When I asked what it was she saw, she said a "black round thing moving up and down in the air".

I just don't know what to make of this. I don't believe in orbs and things of that nature. However, from my daughter's responce I know she was seeing something.

Anyone have any ideas???




  1. This could be something just as simple as your daughter's eyes adjusting to the relative darkness of the living room. Our eyes can certainly play tricks on us. How old is she, by the way? I don't think this "black round thing" is anything to worry about. Of course, telling your daughter that is a different story. I'd advise to be careful not to reinforce the idea of this scary black ball with your daughter and let her know, in your own way, that it was just an optical illusion or a normal shadow that she saw. The worst thing you can do, in my opinion, is plant the seed of fear of ghosts and so forth. If she reacts well to the idea that she just saw an illusion, see if she's willing to walk into the living room with you again under the same circumstances and see if you can spot what may have been causing this illusion. And even if you can't, it might help to dispel her fears. Best of luck.

  2. would you consider she saw a bug? very common...

  3. She saw a Shadowman. Now what exactly a shadowman is, that is the question. Its often seen as a 3D shadow like man walking down a hall or standing in front of you. They sometimes react to peoples presents. They have been reported in various forms, and can appear as blobs.

    What you have to understand is that our brains are equipped with the ability to override our senses with powerful and realistic hallucinations. We do it every night and call it dreaming and dont even think about it.

    In cases of narcilepsy and insomnia, often the dream mechinisms turn on while a person is awake and it causes vivid hallucinations.

    Before you assume anything paranormal, ask the following questions....

    Is there a stressful change in her life? Has she moved recently to a new place? Has she been missing sleep lately?

    If the answer to any of these is yes, then its safe to assume it was a hallucination.

  4. I dont think you need to worry, it was probably your daughters eyes trying to get adjusted to the dark, in that case she might have seen a illusion of something. Or there might have been something casting a shadow which would look like something strange, why don't you try switching off the lights or putting the dimmer to low and try checking out the room yourself, what might seem as a frightening object may be someother object in reality. When i was a kid i once mistook two bags full of my playthings kept on my bed as a stranger sleeping in my bed, due to the low light i could only see the shadows.

  5. I agree with Michele's answer -- but I wouldn't react right away!

    As I mother I know how scary it is to have a child 'freak out' like that.  Before jumping to conclusions .... wait.  See if your daughter has other reactions you would associate with seeing things of that nature -- avoiding areas of the house, shrinking away from objects you don't see, staying out of areas.  Use your 'mommy sense' ..... you'll know if there is something to worry about.

  6. relax. there is no such things as supernatural. it was probably a big bug or something

  7. It's possible your daughter was sensing some unwelcome energy.  If you have some sage, you can clear the room by smudging (burning the sage).  This is a useful energy clearing technique but a little stinky.  Energy doesn't have to mean ghosts, it just means energy which can gather for any reason.

  8. She may have had a sensory seizure.

    You would be wise to have your daughter seen by a neurologist right away.

  9. It could of been a ghost. or she may have something wrong with her vision.

  10. i think its ust a shadow or reflection from the window. ghosts dont exist dont worry

  11. You may not believe in such things, but from personal experience, "spirits" if you will do exist. I believe she did see what she described. Sylvia Brown was on a talk show a few weeks ago, and although I don't agree with everything she says, she does have a book out about children being more "aware" than adults of being able to see things we can't.

    I know this from several personal experiences and then come to find out it runs in my family on my father's side. (I was adopted as a baby and found bio-family 40 years later!) I was very confused and scared about what was happening, but when my uncle told me it ran in the family, it explained a lot. It also greatly relieved me to know that I wasn't crazy!

    Please don't discount what she saw. Ask her questions...was it going to hurt you, was it nice, have you ever seen anything before?

    By the way...are you renting a house/apartment? If you are, contact the landlord to see if anything bad happened in your residence...this could have something to do with what is happening. If you are buying, try to find out the history of your house.

    According to Sylvia Browne (not sure how much of this I believe) she said to tell the spirit to go towards the light. (Although if it is an angry spirit, I'm not positive this will work!)

    Anyways, I hope everything works out for you!

  12. There could be any number of explanations.  If she "sees" these things with regularity you might want to take her to a specialist.  However, it could be a one-off thing where optical illusion met with the inexperience and imagination of a child.

  13. It could be anything from a healthy child's imagination to a small quantum singularity. If it's an isolated incident, then I wouldn't worry about it. In my opinion, we know far too little about consciousness and neural processes in adults, who's structures are reasonably stable, let alone children who are 'rewiring' and developing their brains and minds.

  14. Raven

    Even though you do not believe in such thing  there are  some  Soul earth bound, My mother is one of them,  I guess she will leave when she  feels her job is finished  or  may be when I go I will fetch  her to  heaven with me.

    My  niece  was born on Jan 1  and My sister  had to work so  my Mother  practilly raised  jeanie.  time  passed and Mom came to live with me  , she  found out she had  cancer. She told me she didn't want to die and I told her I didn't want her to die either.

    She told me we had to buy a house that would be her's

      we  found a house she  like and my husband and I bought it  she lived in it 4 months before she passed  away.  

    When my husband passed away, I had my son buy the house because I wanted to be sure it stayed in the  family

    My great niece  came to my house and I had a picture of Mom on the  fire place.

    Shara, said  Mommy that is the  Lady that  visits me.

    Jeanie said that there were times when  Shara was  crying and then  be fore she could get to Shara she was laughing.

    Ju;ie.  ask me  why I didn't tell her the house was haunted, I said it wasn't it was  just MOM.   She siad it scared her  brides maid.

    My  Mother visited one of  Julie  friends that was sleeping in my Mothers room.  She said when she saw her she  touch her and  moms touch was warm  but mom was in  full vision,  several  people have seen My Mom   in the house mostly on holidays and special ocassions.

    Is the  house that  you live in an older home, an earth bound  soul could of  visited.  maybe  it was not  friendly, some one  who had  passed that lived there.

    you could  check out the history of your house.

    Children are not inhibited as  older  people  and  they can see what they see and not   what you have been told  doesn't exist.

  15. a bat

    or count chocula

  16. Just a reflection in the back of her retina that burned in there for a little longer than usual.

    Try this - it is an old optical illusion tricks but it may explain what happened.

    Take a large piece of black card (at least 2ft by 2ft) and cut a hole of about 8in (or greater) diameter the middle of it.

    Put a white piece of paper to cover the hole and stick it to the wall.

    Now stare at the card for about 90seconds, focusing on just the white peice, now look around the room – presto  - black shadow floating in the air!

    Just tell your daughter not to worry and it is normal for you to have been focusing on something and for that image to stay for a second or two. Speak to your GP about it, or an optometrist. They can explain far better than I. It is similar, in some ways, to the reason why you have a screen saver on you monitor - the image if stays the same gets 'burned' into it.

    Her response was just that she did not understand what was happening.

    Please don't scare her, you don't mention her age, by feeding any gibberish about orbs or ghostly apparitions. These are just figments of the naive and gullible.

  17. Perhaps she saw a shadow of a round moving object. Children have wide imagination. They tend to even bring up horror movies or scary stories in their dreams as well as outdoors. Perhaps you should not always permit kids watch movies specially the horrible ones since sometimes it is not yet beyond their complete understanding.

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