
What did u dream last night?

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What did u dream last night?




  1. i don't quite remember! it was something about shree krishna and i together.

  2. These people are kinda negative...

  3. my dream was about i was graduating from school.

    and that was it.

    pretty boring and sad

  4. I had a dream i was at school, and my bf was talking to some ugly chick and i kicked her ***, and i yelled at my bf and told him not to talk to no girls ever!

    lol weird huh?

  5. It was a nightmare, I don't really wana talk about it, however I got woken up in the middle of the night and there was lightning outside.

    That's when i really got scared...

  6. I dreamed that I was a mermaid and that fishermen were trying to catch me

  7. dead fish

  8. last night i had a dream abuot my old friend who came from mexico her parents died and she was stuck with her baby sister who had autismand didn't have any friends i went to see her but my dad prohibited me from it oh yeah and she started practicing voodoo the only thing real in that dream is that her parents actually died and she had a baby sister who was autisitic weird huh?

  9. my dream was pretty cool but odd me and my brother kept being tooken back into time, one minute we were in modern times then suddenly we were at normandy on D-Day, we survived then we ended up in colonial times in the United states revolutionary war and we were commanding a bunch of rebels fighting off the british then can't much really remember the rest.

  10. Oh I had a great dream last night! It was that I had fun brother and sisters and that we had all these different kind of pools. And before you go into the pool it has a sign that says mermaid, alligator,dolphin,

    manatte, and that will be the thing that you will turn into. and on the mermaid sign, there would be all these different colored clothes. say you took a blue one, you tail will be blue. And you know what? I can feel swimming as that creature. So In my dream I was mostly in the mermaid pool. When you jump in, you will be spinning and thats how you transform. Well that was my dream and I SO hope that it will come true one day!!!

  11. in my dream, i kept filling a bathtub full of water over and over and over again... there was a waterbed and when you turned the electric blanket on, the water became boiling hot, and there was a little plug on the side of the matress where you could empty it... so i kept using the water from that to fill the bath up about 9 times over... each one time, the bath was full, so i'd either have a bath, or just tip the water out for no real reason... it was really strange. but i had a bath today, just because my dream reminded me how much i love them :) haha

  12. i was standing on top of a mountain and there was cities burning down bellow

  13. I dreamed that the love of my life hated me. I woke up crying.

  14. I had a 5:00 deadline and it was 4:57 and I hadn't even started..........I just sat there and watched the clock tick away until it was 5:00 and then I kept saying that I didn't care anyway.......then I was fired.  I woke up anxious and sweaty.

  15. About the Armageddon, end of the world, final day, etc. Same dream I have every night. Where everyone dies because of pollution, poison, murder, and it always ends when a large wave of darkness roars towards me.

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