
What did you do for love?

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What did you do for love?




  1. married the woman I love, had kids, lived life, and generally had a really good time

  2. Got down on my knees.  He was happy.

  3. gave up my life.... not a good idea

  4. Gave it a chance.  Glad that I did too.  :o)

  5. Married..that's all I got. And kids..I had kids for him. (and myself) If myself isn't enough then what is?

  6. I stayed with my husband when he was dealing with some mental issues. It was pretty bad and as much as I love him, I won't do it again.

  7. got married... changed my life for him.  And so happy I did, because I am a much happier person now.

  8. I am currently in the process of putting my heart on the line for love.  True love, I hope and pray!  Been divorced for over 2 years and know that what we had was truly special, and with a great deal of work, maybe we can work this out and reconcile.  It will be a BIG deal.  Even my friends and family are behind me on this, so I think that says something.

    He made mistakes, but I've made some too.  Its very hard to confront your own shortcomings, but I don't want to live without knowing whether there is another chance for this love?  I've dropped a few hints by saying "You know, we didn't know how good we had it." and he replied "Yep!"  Then we talked a week ago for almost 1 1/2 hours and I asked him if he has regrets and he said yes.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!!

  9. I took his double because i thought he wanted off because he was tired... little did i know he wanted off to meet up with this stupid bi;alskdjfl;kfjdsa;lkj fal;kjdf;lkajdf;hjaf;dsklfj

  10. I gave my husband the two most precious children.

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