
What did you do today??

by  |  earlier

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I stayed home.

Did you go to work?

Have the day off?

On summer vacation?

Go swimming?

Go to the store?





  1. wow well i started off  being by myself  them my  2  grandsons

    (14 months  and 3 yrs)came and wanted to spend the day with me   so we have watched tv played cars.. took a nap   had grill cheese sandwiches for lunch  played some more and now they are watching cartoons  for the time being who knows what else we will do  for one they will clean up this floor   and put all the toys back up.. oh yes I changed dippers several times  sure glad the oldest is potty trained...what do you think of my day so far  and its only 2 pm here  

  2. I'm at home- watching re-runs of Ghost Whisperer.

    But I think I'll go to the store to buy some new foundation.


  3. My day started at 5:15 this morning. Went to Gym to a class called Boot Camp for 45 minutes. Went back home got my daughter (23 months old) up and dressed. Took her to daycare. Came to work turned my computer on checked some mail. Went back to the gym for a cardio class another 45 minutes. Came back to work and haven't done anything but answer questions all day. Oh and play dominoes. Maybe 30 mins for work. Still at work.

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