
What did you eat....?

by Guest56086  |  earlier

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.....for breakfast this morning??

&& wat are you going to eat for dinner =D




  1. nothing

  2. Nothing in the AM

    A little cereal and an egg @ lunch

    Rice  n a milkshake for dinner

  3. i ate umm...i didn't nvm

  4. I ate cheese on toast for breakfast and

    I'm eating a potato for dinner right now. :)

  5. A handfull of almonds and a glass of rice milk.........  i just had dinner... mmm yummy roast lamb and green vegies......;0)

    peace baby


  6. i had a fabulous meal today i had a card board box with a side of bubble wrap and to finish it off i had glazed tissues a la mode

  7. I ate waffles and I dont know yet. =)

  8. i ate nothing!

    snizchel and chips!

  9. well for breakfast I had French toast with maple syrup and oj

    dinner- Naan bread and butter chicken.

    I love Indian food.  

  10. cookies and soup

    and I dunno thats like 17 hours away :P

  11. weetbix for breky

    steak diane and roast potatoes

    and steamed veg for dinner

    and it was yummo

    x x x

  12. lol, I must be on the other side of world

    i just had fish and vegetable for dinner

    and this morning i had porridge for breakfast

  13. B for brekfust

    und D for Dinna

    und T for Tea

    Sounds like you are anaemic and emaciated to me?

    wtf is this all abaht?

  14. Nothing for breakfast but i'll have toast and coffee for my tea break.

    Dinner will more than likely be spag bol with garlic bread.

  15. I decided to live it up a little today and get fancy.

    a bowl of Rice Chex cereal for breakfast

    peanut butter and jelly for lunch

    and hot pocket for dinner

    I'm living the good life!!

  16. i didn't eat breakfast (i know..tsk tsk)

    i had pizza for supper

  17. I'm An Asian. I had rice and curry. For dinner may be bread and some curries.  

  18. cherios and i dont know yet

  19. well, i wasn't going to eat anything... then i thought "what the hec!" and crammed my mouth with apples and coconut biscuits!

    but i'll be healthy tomorrow, i swears on my heartses!

    EDIT: i forgot to answer the last question! shame on me. i'll probably have chicken or pasta or something, what ever my parents make hehe!

  20. im still eating... tomato olive cheese and bread how cool is that. I cant eat anything in the past 2 weeks and im very thin i think somethings wrong with me ım NEVER hungry

  21. Only the weak are required to eat breakfast. I had cornflakes and will most probably have them for dinner

  22. i ate bbq chicken feet for breakfast.

    dinner i ate rice, intestine sausage, fish with root, and shell fish.

  23. nothing i dont eat breakfast and i ate burger king for dinner :)

  24. Kellogg's crunchy nut!

    and dinner ihave no idea!

  25. porridge, i don't know what i'll eat for dinner, it depends what my mum makes

  26. i ate

    coco pops :)

    luch- pasta

    supper snitchel (or however you spell it) and rice



  27. porridge and lasagna

  28. toast and jam, not sure what to have for dinner

  29. I had an apple for breakfast.

    I dunno what I'm having for dinner yet.

  30. a banana and no clue yet
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