
What disorders do I have?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering if I have some disorders.

I have intrusive thoughts uncontrollably.

I hate the fact on contamination.

I'm afraid of catching a disease by touching a door handle.

I do things repetitively.

I count things.

I'm afraid of certain things such as heights,being alone,.....

I'm pull my hair.

I pick the skin off of my lip.

I afraid of germs ad diseases.Mostly illnesses.

I'm afraid that someone is after me sometimes.

I get scared easily.

I pick scabs.

I broke my mom's glass table because she was out and we were talking on the phone and she hung up on me while I was trying to tell her that I wanted a milkshake.

I get really mad easily.

I get butterflies in my stomach for no reason.

I pray for every little bad thought that I have in my head.

I like being alone.

I am really sensitive.

I am sometimes really depressed over nothing.

I get depressed over thins that haven't even happened yet.

I cry over things that haven't happened yet.

When I take a bath,I continually keep washing my skin.

I also keep putting soap on the pouffe again and again.

I have certain numbers that I don't like.

I believe in bad and good numbers as well as good and bad letters.

I used to cut myself.

I count how many words I put in a sentance,I count how many times I've did something.

I also get stressed too.

I also put myself down a lot.

I think that I am fat even though everyone else says that I am skinny.

I get mad over stupid things sometimes.

I can't stop thinking bad thoughts.

I also stay up really late or used to a week ago.

Some nights,I wouldn't even go to sleep.

I got my schedule back on track but during the summer,I stay up at least until 5:00 a.m or all night.Around those times.

What I mean is that I like being alone at which means that I like to stay to myself but I don't like being at home alone or anything.

What is all of this?

I am really smart though.

I'm not making this up!You guys are being mean.I really do this stuff.I'm not sure why.But I need to know if I should see someone about it.

I'm being very serious here!This is not a joke or else I wouldn't have posted it.No rude answers.Please answer my question with respect and honesty.Thank you!

I guess would want OCD or something because it makes me different but I feel like I'm crazy for doing all of these things which makes me feel bad and stuff.




  1. it sounds like you have OCD and depression.  you should definitely see someone about your struggles.  the good news is that these symptoms can be dealed with and controlled to a certain extent.  depression can definitely be something to overcome.  i've been depressed before.  it runs through my family.  however, ocd is a more serious condition because it is more difficult to control.  

    if you are in college at a university, i'm sure your campus has an anonymous clinic that is free and available to its students.  that is something you should definitely check on because it's free!!  =)  

    if you are not a college student with this access, definitely talk to someone close to about your situation, someone you can trust, so that they can help you find a local therapist to help you out.  the sooner you take care of this, the sooner you will be happy!!  =)  good luck!

  2. Aww. I'm sorry...I had to read this post by going back and forth. I didn't read the other answers as being an attack on you. Please don't think so.

    Anyway, all the symptoms you describe could be OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Depression comes a long with behavior(s) that causes you stress and anxiety. I wonder why you haven't gotten treatment before now and I wonder why your family hasn't noticed these behaviors. Also too...I am concerned that you are on Yahoo! Answers for diagnosis when you should be seeing a Psychiatrist due to the severity of your symptoms or disorders.

    With all you have described, I wonder how you are able to function. My advice would be to seek Professional Medical/Psychiatric help as soon as possible. Get your family involved.

    ~~USA National Suicide Hotline


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    Please be careful and know I care.

    love ya

    {{{hugs}}} <><

  3. OCD sounds fitting. Esp for the cleaning obsessions.

    And anger issues, though you seem to have noted that yourself..

    I don't really know too much about specific disorders, but a lot of those symptoms can be quite common (not necessarily good), possibly depressive?

    Im not an expert, but you really should talk to someone about these, you seem pretty aware of everything yourself, so you should do something about it..

    Good luck with things, anyhow

  4. Don't feel bad about yourself, everyone is put on this earth for a REASON!

    And you are not alone...

    It sounds like OCD-Obsessive-compulsive disorder. (I also have OCD, I think. I am going to see my doctor about it this week.)

    I didn't realize this was what I had until recently.

    When I was a kid, I would constantly pick at my acne, scabs, etc.

    I still do, but I TRY not to, because it causes horrible scars when you are older.

    I cut my hair every few days, right now my hair is only an inch long.

    I have bad, self-loathing thoughts every single day.

    I have repetitive thoughts, that play over and over like a scratched cd.

    I am always thinking in "good" and "bad", like somedays, I'm a "good" person, somedays I think I'm "bad". Or if I do something, I'll question myself: "Is that GOOD, or BAD??? It drives me NUTS! ;S

    I pick at my fingers and nails a lot. I'll pick the skin off my thumbs until they bleed.

    I WAS Bulimic for a long time, but now I eat right and exercise.

    I stay awake for days on end.

    Even when I'm petting my cats, sometimes I think that they can read my negative thoughts, and can "feel" my "bad energy".

    I constantly think that I'm giving off "bad vibes" around other people.

    I always have to be doing things, because I find it hard to just RELAX.

    My brain is constantly "on", and I'll get so many different thoughts all at once that I get confused, and can't concentrate.

    I like being alone too, but sometimes I don't because I don't like being alone when my mind is racing so much.


    I'm stressed out sometimes for no reason.

    I get butterflies too, for no reason.

    I pray and beat myself up for having "bad" thoughts too.

    I trace over my letters when I write something, ever since I learned how to write.

    I get upset and angry at the slightest things.


    Remember, you aren't alone! ;S

    I can't WAIT to see my doc, and get some help! (you should too. ;)

  5. Sounds like OCD to me, and it also sounds like you should visit a psychiatrist to try and get it under control  

  6. in my opinion you have ocd, anxiety and depression. sometimes when the ocd is bad, you can get depressed.

    i have ocd, i check the oven and the stove every night. some nights i can't stop checking and then may anxiety increases.

    lots of people have ocd. but, if it is disrupting your life then you may need to see a psych.

    my ocd was always under control, until i was experiencing a few stressful events in my life and then it got worse. i sought help.

    you are not crazy, in fact, ocd is common in highly intelligent people.

    you have alot of ocd symptoms. but it can be treated. go see a doc. goodluck

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