

by  |  earlier

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  1. When I was in the Marine Corps and had very little money, I'd 'hitch hike' each weekend to see where I ended up and who I'd meet.  


    I stood beside the highway with my bag and stuck out my thumb.  I'd get picked up by people and go places.


    Once in winter an old couple picked me up - I was going back home 300 miles away, they were going about 50 miles.  I fell asleep and they woke me up near my home and asked me how to get there.  They'd driven me the whole 300 miles.

    I met my wife (35 years now) when I was heading home and she was lost - she picked me up for directions.

    Hitch Hiking is a means of travel and meeting people.

  2. People who don't have a car. Get on the road and try to get a ride usually without charge. jumping in with strangers.

  3. Seek out a "guide to the universe"?  :))

  4. They hike along the side of the road waiting for cars to come by, when they do the hikers put their arms out, turn their hands into a ball with palm and curled fingers facing upwards and stick out there thumbs in the direction that they are going.

    This is a universal signal that the hiker would like a ride if you are willing to stop and pick him, or her, or the two of them up.

    Here they hitch a ride for as far as the guy in the car is going.

    They keep doing this until they get to their destination.

    They're hitch hiking.

  5. they hitch hike.......................

    means try to hitch a lift from the side of the road

  6. they travel in other peoples vehicles, get in to strangers cars to go to wherever they want to.

  7. Stand on the side of the road for endless hrs with their thumb out. hopeing some dumb person will be willing to take the risk of giving them a ride to who knows where

  8. Bum a ride

  9. Now that you've read all the other answers, you know what a hitchhiker is. I will just add that you stand at the side of the road on which cars going in your intended direction are travelling. (Excuse that poorly worded sentence, but you know what I mean!).You also stand someplace with a pulloff spot so that a would be benefactor (or malfactor!) could pull off easily. I read somewhere that a burly rapist who was a big-rig driver had problems picking up girls because he kind of LOOKED like what we picture rapists to look like. So he had a trick that helped him convince hitchhikers to hitch with him. He would pull up, ask the grl where she was going, look at his watch and then apologize for not being able to take her very far but he was in a hurry. The girls thought he wouldn't be worried about the time if he had an ulterior motive, they were wrong. NEVER HITCHHIKE! Although I wish we could, what a nice way to meet congenial free spirits.

  10. well they point their thumbs up on the side of the road to indicate that they need a free ride somewhere.

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