
What do I do? HELP?

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Everyone keeps yelling at me for no reason. All I wanted was my boyfriend to come out this weekend, my dad is getting his check tomorrow and my boyfriend said that if my dad can put $20 in the gas tank and we can come get him and bring him home on sunday he can give them the $20 back. All my parents keep doing is yelling at me. I'm going through a lot and this is the last thing I can take. I might be pregnant and my cat that I've had for almost 15 years probably isn't going to make it through the weekend and they're constantly yelling at me. I drive my mom to all her doctor's appointments and everything but yet they can't do this one thing I'm asking for.

I'm sitting here in tears...I can't take this c**p anymore. What do I do?




  1. Parents don't yell at their kids for no reason. Maybe you are on your parents last nerve too.  Do they know you might be pregnant? That in itself would cause chaos. Just talk to them about it.

  2. Just take a deep breathe, and try to relax.

    Its not the end of the world. Everyone goes through times that are hard and it seems like nothing ever turns out right, but if life was easy it would be very boring.

    Look in the mirror -you are a beautiful, bright, intelligent & great person.

    You know you can take control of what you want to do and you know you can do it.

    Your family loves you and will be there for you no matter what.

    Its ok to cry, just let it all out. Now try to write down everything that is on your mind. This will help you clear it all out and help you understand how you feel.

    Then write down what you want to do about your problems and how you can fix them.

    You are the only person that can truly change yourself.... and make yourself happy.

  3. Usually people don't yell for no reason.  It may be they have reasons you're not aware of.  It could be they're stressing about money and don't have an extra $20 to give you and your boyfriend to go have a good time.  

    Once you've had a good cry, think about what's been going on from your parent's perspective.  You have things that you're dealing with but so do they.  Have you asked your Mom how she's feeling lately?  If she has so many doctor's appointments is it possible she has health issues you don't know about?  Could she have gotten some bad news from one of the doctors you've driven her to?

    I'm sorry to hear about your cat.  And I hope you're not pregnant.  It doesn't sound like you're anywhere ready to take on that responsibility.  Try to see things from your parent's point of view and be a little more tolerant.  When they start yelling, calmly remind them that you love them and don't understand why they're yelling.  Ask them if there is something going on that you don't know about.  Get them talking instead of yelling and they may start to see things from your perspective.  Take the lead instead of being a victim of circumstance and you may be able to turn the situation around.

  4. Well instead of asking you parents for the money for your boyfriend, use your own money because to them it sounds selfish asking them to go get your boyfriend and pay for his gas, i'm sure they didn't even pay attention ot the part about giving the money back. Just stay calm, i know from experience that yelling back doesn't solve anything. Just try and talk calmly to them, tell them that they aren't being respectful to you by yelling at you all the time

  5. How old are you?

    you are old enough to drive, so i dont see why you should be putting up with this anymore. Next time your mother has to go to the doctors - tell her the day before - you couldnt make the effort to do me a favor- now i am not going to do you one. Simple. SHe will winge and scream. LET HER, she will learn.

    are you in school or college or uni?? how much do you work? i suggest that you start to take charge of your life - you sound old enough, and you should perhaps look at moving out of home. it gives you a new lease on life and is the best thing you can ever do! seriously.

    if you do, i guarantee your folks will treat you nicer. not take you for granted .

    if any one gives advice to try to talk to them - dont listen. you already know what your parents are like.

    and parents always yell for no reason. half of them are abusers - verbally, mentally, and other things too!
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