
What do I order at Starbucks?

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Any Baristas out there?

I love the triple soy cappuccinos at Starbucks, what I don't love is that I order a Venti and end up with more than half a cup of foam for almost $5! So what should I be ordering? I love the strong espresso taste and I like a little foam. I don't want a latte cause it kills the espresso taste and it ends up tasting more like soy milk. Any suggestions?




  1. i personaly like the carmel frappuchino ITS DELICIOUS!

  2. my new obsession is the chai tea latte. yum. u could ask them to do an extra shot (or two) of espresso in your latte. that way you dont have all the foam but u get the espresso taste.

  3. If its espresso taste your after, then try ordering a short cappuccino. Its not on the menu, but most, if not all, Starbucks have them. Its a smaller cup (12 oz.), which allows the drink to only have "microfoam" found in real, traditional cappuccinos. This allows the espresso to not be masked by tons of foam. Also, the short cappuccino is only $2.35, a great deal, especially because it is actually better tasting coffee.

    (side note, jaymccormick2006, Starbucks treats its employees very well, with full benefits for most. Do your research before you condemn and waste all of our time [especially yours] by not even answering the question. I read your "About me" blurb, Mr. Sometimes Sarcastic, and sarcasm is defined as biting wit or irony. Your "sarcastic" answers show neither. They just ooze pompous stupidity)

  4. I go to Starbucks several times a week and I have found them to be very helpful. All you have to do is ask..I almost always have the same thing. They have made me samples just so I could try something new.  But I always go back to  my White Chocolate Mocha Frappachino....yummmm

  5. Well, I love Starbucks...I usually get an Ice Coffee. If they don't give what you want talk to their manager. I had problems with other restaurants and I talked to the manager about it...which was solved easily. So now I'm fine with those restaurants.

  6. Order an exploit-frappe with poverty wage topping.

  7. Try a mocha frappachino :) ♫

  8. i am like a starbucks addict lol jk anyway i personally get...

    venti iced caramel macchiato with whipped cream and caramel on top...yummy.

    anyone who tastes mine when i have it says that they can really taste the espresso.

  9. i like the very simple, iced coffees..

    i'm weird. =(

  10. Order the same drink as a latte instead of a cappuccino. By definition a cappucinnos refers to a cap of foam on top of your drink. A latte will be the same drink but without all the extra froth. Just order a quad shot instead of a triple and the strong espresso taste will still be there.

    This extra shot should when mixed with the extra steamed milk would be what you are looking for. Plus ordering your drink this way lets the barista if they are busy know exactly what you are trying to order.

    Howver you could just order a triple grande soy latte which is one size smaller and get a similar result at a lower price.

    Craig the Barista

  11. Simply ask them to go easy on the foam--if that's the way you like it and you tell them, they'll do it for you.

  12. A medium latte.

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