
What do blood cells contain?

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i have been looking every where for a good website to reference for my assignment which is due tomorrow .. can anyone please help me? :)




  1. Blood contains a bunch of cells ,plasma and platelets ...

    4 the cells, you have 1) the red blood cells which carry oxygen and carbon dioxide ,they appear red under the microscope ,disc shaped ,biconcave ,they dun have a nucleus to increase surface area..

    2)white blood cells "different types "Phagocytes ,lymphocytes....they are responsible for detecting pathogens ,marking them and killing them by phagocytosis..

    plasma is colourless or pale yellow ..contains fragnemts of cells

    platelets are responsible for blood clotting in wounds and stuff

    good luck with ur assignment

  2. hemoglobin, carbon dioxide and oxygen

  3. Which blood cells?

    there is more than one type of cell in your blood


    Blood is a mixture of cells and a watery liquid, called plasma, that the cells float in. It also contains other things like nutrients (such as sugar), hormones, clotting agents, and waste products to be flushed out of the body.

    There are three kinds of cells in the blood: red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs throughout the body, white blood cells help fight infection, and platelets help in clotting.

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