
What do cat meows mean?

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Just wondered. Mine has the cutest 'meep' when he wakes, then some pathetic little meows, some loud ones (usually around food...) and some other meows - I have no idea what any of these mean?

Is it possible to understand 'cat-speak'?




  1. most cat commuinication is not vocal but to do with their body...

    to understand them more, look for ear position, eye signes (blinking and winking and common known signs of love/care ...wink or blink hard directly at your cat and they will likely copy you!)

    tail speaks a thousand words and the hair on their coats...also their mouths do turn up in smiles when really happy!

    Mine usually do their most vocal miaws when wanting food too!

  2. cats are cool....and yes

  3. Hi dude,

          I have found some links for your reference and placing you the links.. Have fun and understand your kitty more now....

  4. Cats are vermin.

  5. It.s a loud meow and your only in it's to say hello. Take time to be with your cat and you will get to know what it wants. If you are good to a animal it will show communication in many different ways and only you the owner we know what your loving cat wants and needs because you will be the only one he or she trusts.

  6. I don't think so!

  7. Well, you can recognize that he has different meows.  Maybe you can use your head and figure it out.  The "meep" when he wakes up obviously means, "Hi, I'm awake".  I think you'll be able to use context to figure it out.  No one actually can "speak cat".  Are you serious?  You really can't figure out the loud ones around food?  He's hungry, duh.  

  8. many things its all based on their current emotions

  9. Short Meow - greeting - "hello!"

    Multiple Meows - Excited story telling - "Hey! while you've been gone, I've been..."

    Low Pitch Meows - complaint - "It's past dinner time and I've still not been fed"

    Mid Pitch Meows - request - "Please Feed Me"

    High Pitch Meows - Pain - "Ouch"

    Drawn out Meows - demand - "OH!! Feed Me Now!!"

    for more information on understanding your cat go to:

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