
What do clairvoyants see?

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what do they see?when they give readings or whatever like when they close their eyes and its all black do they see shapes that just come in the reverse color(negative/blue and white) or do they have like flashes of visions.




  1. I guess you should be asking them what they see.

  2. it's all a hoax. they play for your money. you have a better chance with a stranger

  3. they see cha ching cha ching. seriously they see nothing but the inside of their eyelids

  4. It is an individual thing. Smells can accompany a "vision".

    The vision is more often than not described like this:

    It is seeing with unseeing eyes, hearing with unhearing ears, feeling with something like intuition. You learn to trust what you see, hear, feel, smell. There is a type of development of the senses that is beyond what most people experience.

    Also, it can be described as remembering the past, present, and future. It can be done by people with these gifts. I must say that they are rare gifts a human can posses and there are many fakes out there.

    If you are interested in developing these abilities know that they are gifts. They can be developed if the basis is there to begin with but will not develop if potential does not exist. It would be like trying to become a genius with an IQ of 75, it's not gonna happen.

    So, also know that these people are indeed out there. Most are smart, and keep quiet about it.

    If it is your desire and you have the foundation, it will be. Be patient and see what comes your way. Look deep inside of yourself in the most quiet places when you are alone and see what you find there. Question who you really are and what your purpose for goodness is on this planet. What can you do to truly uplift and help others?

    It's not about how much you have in the bank, how big your mansion is, what clothes or jewelry you wear; it is about how you treat others and what help you bring to those less fortunate than yourself. That's where you will find your answers. All of them.

  5. When they're giving a paying client a reading, do you mean?

    Simple.  They're seeing the smile on the face of their bank manager.

    By the way, I give readings, too.  For you, special price.


  6. $$$$$$$

  7. they see gullible people willing to hand over money

  8. There is a difference between a fortune teller and a clairvoyant just to inform those who think that these are one and the same.  Clairvoyants see images/visions that vary from one situation to the other.  Normally they see things that could happen in the immediate future.  They see things for individual people or events that have not yet happened.  Most clairvoyants are ordinary people and they don't normally get paid not unless they want to maximize it to be their business.

  9. Malachi gave a good description of what some 'see'. Speaking from experience, they are quick flashes of an image. so quick that it can be overlooked. Yet to 'catch' that image is to see it as it flashes and then remember it by re-visualizing it.

    And by the way.....I share my visions when I have them and have never asked for any money.

  10. Pie, sometimes soup. Usually chicken soup.

  11. if you are referring to the pay-per-reading ones ,it might be the pool of insecurities you always have been ,still are,and continue to be in your life...

  12. I remember one, it came out so true it was incredible, but it was not all good news, but I am alittle suspicious, someone may of had previous information, like a hospital record someway or somehow are weren't telling your everything.

  13. They see a gullible "mark" or "sucker".Usually preparing to foolishly give them money.

  14. It can vary depending on the 'user' and for whomever they are reading. Myself, I typically will get quick flashes of images...and depending on who/where I'm getting the image from it can be dull in color or in full technicolor.

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