
What do disturbing dreams mean?

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Last night I had a dream that my whole town was outside and a military helecopter flew over and announced someone in the holding a nuclear bomb, and we might be evacuated later. I remember feeling really stressed out and was going to tell my parents we had to leave everything and go now, we shouldn't wait, but couldn't because I woke up. A few nights before I had a dream that I was outside again with a few people and someone had set off a bomb and people were rotting from the inside out. There appendages just dropped off. Before I woke up I remember being worried about where my sister and sister-in-law were.

I've had a few more disturbing dreams like babysitting a little posessed boy in a haunted house with serial killer parents, and stabbing one of them with a pin.

Any clues as to what it means?




  1. Nightmares are your subconcious mind trying to make you pay attention. They can occur because you have been ignoring or refusing to accept something in your waking life or they can be as a result of a real life trauma - are you affected by the war in Iraq etc etc? Nightmares indicate a fear that needs to be acknowledged and confronted.

    A bomb in your dream can indicate a potentially explosive situation in your waking life - e.g. you could be really angry about something. A bomb threat does indicate that you may be experiencing inner anger over something. The presence of the military represents emotional repression. Rotting is suggestive that you may be wasting your potential and haven't grabbed hold of opportunities (may be the cause of the anger?). Your family represent security for you. The dream as a whole suggests you need to find an outlet for your emotions, to step out yourself more and rely less on those around you.

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