
What do dreams about zombies mean?

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I keep having dreams where I am being chased by zombies. Sometimes they are the slow, oldschool, blank-stare kind, but more frequently they are the fast, vicious, angry ones. Sometimes they are even mixed. The dreams are usually about me holding up somewhere, trying to keep them from getting in, or me trying to get to a safe place. I'm usually alone, and I never seem to have effective weapons. The only thing that ever seems to help me in the dream is that I can usually outsmart them, but at some point, I am almost always overcome by them, and then I wake up. the definitions i keep finding on the dream meanings say that its a fear of drudgery and crappy routines, but I really think its something more than that. any ideas?




  1. Dreams are representative of other things; always keep that in mind.

    When I think of zombies, I think of the living dead.

    Are you just going through the motions in some aspect of your life?

    It could be spiritual as well.  There are spirits that attack in our sleep because that's when we are the most vulnerable.

    When you said you didn't have effective weapons, it reminded me of

    a part of the Bible that talked about our weapons.

    If you go to and type weapons in the search engine,

    it can give you more; you'll probably get a lot of hits for that word, but

    it basically tells people that their weapons are not the usual sort of

    weapons.  Knowing God's word is a weapon.

    Hope it helps.

    God bless.

  2. Probably you've been watching too many scary movies.

  3. Hello,

    Hopefully this is your mind telling you not to hang around with certain people.  When we sleep, dreams usually are trying to tell us someone angry with you?

    You have to access your real life first, then your dreams. If the dreams continue to bother you, then while your dreaming, if you have no defense, use your mind and tell the zombies to just go away...and they will.

    Hope that helped.

    Think good thoughts before you go to bed...that might help too.

    Peace out,


  4. Necrophilia

  5. Your dream is related to your past . Who was tough on you or who had [ abounded you and you have never resolved those issues ] / Think about all the people who had been in your life ; and you will    find     who it is ; because I am sure there some unresolved issues ; but at least you are trying to get a solution ; also your dream indicates that you would like to be protect and love  

  6. you need to examine your life first. there may be something in your life relating to dream. like the dream maybe there's something your trying to get away from - maybe a bad relationship, work, or just something  that gets on your nerves. when you find that out and solve the problem go to sleep and see if you have the dream again.

    or you could just go to sleep again and try to stay asleep long enough for the problem to be revealed. they happen like that sometimes.

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