
What do i do now????

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What do i do now????

I recently told this girl that i had a cush on her. she knows that i liked her and stuff but basically chose another guy over me. We work together and i am feeling really depressed over this. I kinda want to explain to her that all i wanted was a chance to date her. If things wokred out then they worked out, if they didnt then, they didnt but at least i would know that. She basically lied to me when i asked her out and she said she didnt want a BF, but now she is dating another guy that she has only known for a month or two, i have known her for 3 years. How can i bring this up to her.. i think she knows that i am feeling depressed about this. what should i do? she is all i think baout when im alone. its killing me that she is dating another guy i just wanted a chance




  1. be grownup.

    love a person who loves you.

    nothing more, nothing less

  2. I'm sorry but it sounds like she's a selfish girl. If she is blind enough to not see your upset she is not worth it.. talk to her about it, about how you feel, and about why you told her you had a crush on her.. but if I were you find someone else, she doesn't sound like she's worth it...

    BUT don't leave it on a bad note, you've still got to work together remember!!

  3. don't talk to her about it while she is dating another guy. she wouldn't like that. maybe if they brake up talk to her and ask her out again.
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