
What do jehovah witnesses believe?

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What do jehovah witnesses believe?




  1. What Rich said.

  2. Jesus is the 1st thing Jehovah God created.

    Jesus died on a stake not a cross.

    Jesus did not physically rise from the dead.

    Jesus must never be worshipped.

    Jesus really is the archangel Michael.

    And much more c**p.

  3. Question:  What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe?

    Answer:  Their Creed is simple:  Contradict anything and everything that mainline Christian Religions teach. For example, mainline religion teaches:  Jesus Christ is Lord, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity and He died on the Cross for our sins.

    JWs believe:  Jesus is only the son of God but he is not God.  Jesus Christ did not die on the Cross.  It was Michael the Archangel that died on the Cross.  And it wasn't a cross.  It was a tree.  The Archangel Michael really did die.  He did not resurrect.  Jesus Christ is the son of God but he's not God and he is less than Divine.  By this reckoning I don't even understand why they even call themselves 'Christian!'   Since they believe in a Jehovah-God I don't see why they don't just tell people that they are Jehovists, rather than Christians.  You should also know that their doctrine is quite changeable.  Basically it is whatever their AWARE publication tells them to believe.  Although in their history (which dates back to 1876) they've predicted the End of the World on numerous occassions (so many of us are still alive who remember this only too, too well!) they have now developed mass amensia and deny that.  Why do they deny it?  Because their End Times predication always failed to come true.  One more thing, JWs say that they are NOT a religion, since they say that ALL Religions are of the Devil.

    That should give you some idea of their ideology.


  4. Jehovah is God Almighty.

    Jesus Christ is the first creation of Jehovah.

    Adam and Eve were created perfect but lost the opportunity to live forever on a paradise earth by choosing to sin.

    Jesus was sent to live as a human and buy back or pay the ransom price so we may live as God intended, on a paradise earth.

    Jesus has been designated the king of a new government, God's heavenly kingdom which will bring all this about.

    144,000 are chosen from the earth to rule with Christ in heaven.

    1000 years are set aside to accomplish this.

    Those who have died before the thousand years will also have an opportunity of living in paradise by means of a resurrection to earth

    In time, Satan and the wicked angels who followed him will be

    removed forever from being able to influence us toward wrongdoing.

    We believe in the sanctity of life, no abortions, no blood transfusions.

    Our allegience goes only to God's kingdom. We are neutral toward all politics of any nation.

    We do not go to war.

    We honor Jehovah and help our neighbor through our community preaching activity.

    There is more, and I did not give scriptures. They are available to support each point.

  5. They have a purposly mistranslated bible that was altered to fit there beleifs.

    They worship that book and there other pamphlets they cannot see God past them,

    They are fundementalist Idoloters who are sitting back and hoping for the end of the world and doing nothing  to change it because there leaving that for God.

    they dont worsip the father son and the holy spirit

    they worship the father son and the bible and the watchtower.

    Very nice people but very misguided just like all those nice people in Jonestown.

  6. They don't not believe anything in the second testament nor do they beleive that God rose from the dead or that Jesus was sent as God's only begotten son.

  7. To save a lot of space and typing, there is a reference at the bottom.

    First and primary. Jehovah God is the Supreme God, Creator of all things. By his love everything came into existence.

    God is Love, which John highlights twice in his letters. 1 John 4:8,16.

    His First Born Son, Jesus Christ, is the one that He has placed in charge of the rescue of mankind. Colossians 1:13-20

    Death is not natural, but rather a result of sin by Adam. Romans 5:12

    That burden will be removed. Revelation 21:1-4

    That, for starters, defines the difference between 99% of other Christians faiths.

  8. Just like a lot of other Christian Churches they also have false beliefs.

    I do agree with some but not all of their teachings. I do know that they are correct in that God is one and not three.  I like it when they come to my door and we have some great biblical conversations.  

  9. One of the answerer's gave you wrong information.  It is best to go to a reliable source, here ya go:

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