
What do people think about recycling???

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Sometimes I think it's too much work.




  1. I recycle everything I can.  Gotta help preserve the earth any we can.  People have to get up and get their thing together.

  2. I think it's GREAT.  In California, it's so easy where I live.  All paper, aluminum, plastic, glass & cardboard products go in one container.

  3. Sure, it is a lot of extra work, but just imagine what the world will be like to live on in about twenty years if people didn't do it! We are wasteful as a whole, so every little effort counts.

  4. recycling lets see take empty container rinse out place in blue box {recycling container} ah used papers of any kind place in box/container seems pretty easy and not much stress

  5. You must by law in NYC, which I think is a good thing for such a big generator of waste that NYC is.

    I think recycling is very good. Amen. I can't think of anything bad about it.

  6. There are a LOT of things bad about it.  

    One is that the recycling process itself produces tons of toxic sludge.

    In fact, remember "Superfund"?  It turned out that 13 of the 50 worst toxic waste sites were former recycling facilities.  

    Paper is worse than styrofoam.  It takes hundreds of times the heat energy and water to produce a paper cup than it does a styrofoam cup.  

    But recycling makes people and communities "feel good," so I guess it's here to stay.

    Love jack

  7. I think recycling helps us to save the natural resources and preventing the earth from decreasin too much of the natural resources.

    bein earth-friendly starts from recycling :)

  8. i like the idea. but whether i devote myself to it is another question. i just think it is great. most of the time, if there is a bin provided simply for recyclable material, i will definitely recycle. but if not, i just throw in the normal bin.

    i know it's a lot of work, but if this is good solution for the limited land for landfill etc, so why not??

    that's just what i think

  9. Recycling does not do u any harm.

    Perhaps it takes time, but later it pays off.

    It's a great idea!

  10. I have done it for years, and I actually think there are many benefits. It helps keep cost's down on some products, and some things can actually be recycled for ever. I'm not a toad-l*****g enviromentalist, but I do believe that the benefits can be clear.

  11. i personally think that it is fun and meaningful.

    but not all think this way some or most ppl sround me think that is much of a trouble and hard work and therefore don bother.

  12. I think it is a great idea. I do not do it though all the time. I usually just do paper. I should do it all! And I do not think it is too much work if it will help my future!

  13. So do a lot of other people. I recycle more for other reasons than just saving the planet or global warming. My personal recycling rate equates to about 90% of all household waste. There's no work involved (on my part) and I imagine that my waste collectors probably don't recall when they last saw my wheelie bin.

    Just occasionally, I have to take car loads of stuff to the waste recycling depot, which can be a pain on account of the queues of cars waiting to do the same, which defeats the idea of lowering the carbon footprint, and thus encourages flytipping (illegal dumping of trash anywhere you can).

  14. its to much work if your rich and spoiled.......

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