
What do pond turtles eat?

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I accidently threw some peanuts/raisins into my neighborhood pond and am worrired the turtles/fish may choke on them. Is their esophagus/pharynx too narrow to swallow nuts/raisins? Also, I read that "Fish would suffocate if they tried to chew, for chewing would interfere with the passage of water over the gills, necessary for obtaining oxygen" on the NEFSC website

Also, would the fish/turtles blindly eat the nuts/raisins, or would they know that it's too bug for their mouths, because there are lots of baby fish that don't look able to swallow nuts?




  1. Stop worrying about it and stop posting the same question over and over. Your fish and turtles will be fine.

  2. get thoes nuts & raisins out the water.

    and feed them guppies.

    or tadpoles

  3. either turtle food or feeder guppies

  4. not likely to harm them.. fish and turtles know what is good for them,....

  5. Pond turtles are amazing!

    Their diet includes small fish, frogs, various aquatic insects, and some plants. Insects are the best represented group of animals in ponds, and make up a large part of the pond turtle diet. The larvae and nymphs of caddisflies and dragonflies probably serve as an important food source.

  6. licorice.

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