
What do senators do?

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i know there are 2 senators for each state, but what do they do? i'm just making sure, do they pass laws within their own state? do they do more?




  1.   try to be president

  2. outside of always running for reelection not much.   mr doodles

  3. They haven't been doing much for a long, long time.

  4. Originally, the Senate was suppose to represent the states. In fact, early on, each states legislation choose the 2 Senators. The constitution was later ratified so the people of each state elect them. The U.S. House represent the individual people in their district. The Senate has more power like in ratifying treaties. If a President is impeached by the House, the Senate tries him

  5. If this election cycle is any indicator, all they appear to do is p**s off the American public or run for office or both.  

  6. Originally, they acted almost as ambassadors from their state and assisted helped pass laws. As Jefferson put it, they cooled the passion of the House so that rash decisions would not be made. After the constitution was changed to make the senators directly elected by the population, they became essentially super representatives aiming to get as much federal funding to their state while planning a run for the presidency.
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