
What do teachers do at home?

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What do teachers do at home?




  1. Sit on the couch by her lonesome and whatch TV.

    That's what my old teacher did =)

  2. they go home around 3 or 4 relax watch some tv and grade some pappers they have left over then eat dinner then they either grade some more papers or go to sleep

  3. After working about 15 hours at school, I come home and usually have two or three phone calls from parents or students.   Usually the phone calls are because of the student not listening to instructions at school.   Then there are papers to grade, lessons to prepare, and family to speak to as much as possible.   Then I sometimes lay awake praying for my students and the parents who think I'm terrible for demanding that my students pay attention in class and be kind to each other on the recess.   Sometimes I have time to watch a little tv with my husband who has my meal ready when I come home.   (He's a teacher, too, but is disabled right now.  So sad.)   Really -- teachers are just like anyone else that has to bring their work home with them.  There are always goals and deadlines that we have to meet and the more students we have the more work.     The stress of teaching is the parents who don't understand what it really means to teach their child.

  4. grade papers, drink, sleep...

  5. What does anybody do at home?? Eat, sleep, workout, walk the dog...... What kind of a question is this?

  6. curse the chauffeur for not polishing the Bentley

    practice roping and cutting for the nationals

    fire up the hot air envelope for a sunset champagne flight

    polish the Harley for a Sat. poker run

    (nobody touches my Harley)

    continue tying dry flies and perfecting the art of making split bamboo fly rods for Christmas presents

    check the gensing garden and water the orchid collection if necessary......

    a teachers work never stops..

  7. Curl up into a fetal position, rock back and forth for a while, recover enough to grade papers. Go to bed early and get up early to do it all again.

  8. drink.... a lot

    (especially if they work in a middle school)

  9. We get online and answer questions at Yahoo :)  

    I chat with family members on the phone

    Make dinner

    Watch TV


    Hang out w/ hubby

    Care for my puppies

    Work on my dissertation

    etc... etc...

  10. 1.take care of there children[if they have any]

    2. they COOk

    3. make lunch to there husbands

    4.they grade tests/quizzes/homework/ ect..

    5.they feed there pets[if they hav any]

    6. they CALL students PARENTS:]

    7. they arrange meetings..

    8.they read books:]

    9.they go shooping in "officemax" and "officedepot"ect..

    10. they recycle papers

    11. they sleep

    my dog is a teacher:] jk

  11. grade papers

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