
What do the mixed signals show?

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My guyfrnd and I are very close. I sometimes think he likes me more than just as frnds but then there are other times when I rly don't know.

He sometimes says things such as: "You're the only person I can't lie to" or "You're the only person I can't yell back at " or "I could never get mad at you". He told me a few days ago that I mean the world to him. He texts me everyday and he often asks me to hang out with him (which I do).

He doesn't mind me calling him when he's asleep. He told me that I can call him and wake him up whenever I want to (even if it's for something small)

But then there are the other things he does that makes me think that he only sees me as a frnd,such as: He talks about other girls he likes in front of me, he sometimes cancels the plans we made to hang out with his guy friends.

I've been hinting that I like him but I have no idea if he likes me back. What do the mixed signals show show???




  1. It shows that he really cares but is not ready to see you in a romantic way yet.  He may be confused also, but if he is talking about other girls then I would leave it alone unless u just go right out and say you're interested.  Hope it all works out sweetie.

  2. maybe he likes u but he's not ready for commitment or doesnt really know what he wants. Be careful, he could also be messin with your head and leading u on

  3. idk... i might ask him one day why he really does these kind of things to u, but i think u are really lucky to have such a friend to help u out like that...

    does he does that to u only? if he does, there is a higher chance where he likes u...talking about other girls and canceling plans might just means he just wants to have his space...

    a suggestion, why not tell him u like him, it he doesnt like u back, then just stay friends

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