
What do the prefix's mean?

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What do the following prefix's mean and how would they be used in an example.

1. Miss

2. Ms.

3. Mrs.




  1. 1. Miss is used for a single, unmarried woman and usually she has never been married

    2. Ms. is not specific to married or unmarried. People usually use this when someone got a divorce or is a widow, but it can be used for any female.

    3. Mrs. is used in front of the name of a married woman

  2. ok 1 and 2 mean not married and the third one means married  

  3. Miss: little mistress

    Ms.: modern construction used as a title for a woman of unspecified marital status

    Mrs.: mistress

  4. 1. Miss is an unmarried female.

    2. Ms. is a non-specific term for a female

    3. Mrs. is a married or widowed female

    Miss can be used for unmarried females of all ages.

    Ms. provides a respectful title that does not require the speaker to have any knowledge of the woman’s marital status or age.

    In other words as with a man being referred to as Mr - it's nobody's business whether a woman is married, single or divorced etc.

    Back in the 1960s and 70s women fought long and hard for the right to be seen as individuals and not as either married or single, hence the introduction of the non-specific title Ms.

    (Men have always had benefit of the non-specific title Mr.)

    In business dealings I prefer to use Ms. even though I've been married for many years. In my private life I'm Mrs.

    Mrs. can be used for a married or widowed woman, some women continue to use the title Mrs. after being divorced.

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