
What do these cards mean?

by Guest60925  |  earlier

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I asked the tarot about how things will go with a man I love,but I fell out with him because I could not express my feelings when he asked me to.

I got 2 swords (past),8 wands (Present), The Sun (future)




  1. Not trying to be glib, but what do they mean to you? I cannot read the Tarot, but my "brother" can and is almost 99% accurate.  That one percent is when his emotions get involved, so he sees what he wants to see, not what could be.

    From what he has told me, the cards are tools to help the reader see what might happen.  It is not "written in stone," and it isn't a total picture, just a glimpse.  So, the two swords could be the conflict and the sun in the future could be a good outlook, to me.  He could give you a meaning to the cards, what they show him, and what they might mean in the long run.   However, the conflict could be ongoing with you and yours, and the sun could mean you find love with another man.  

    I know it is none of my business, but the cards aren't what you need to worry with.  They are just pictures and cardboard.  They can be played with.  To ME, this is what you need to work on.  You love/loved this guy but had problems with expressing your feelings.  The cards don't need you to express your feelings, but other people do.  You know you love him, or loved him.  Now, did you fall out of love with him, or was it something else?  Did he have problems with your inability to express yourself?  Did you withdraw from him, but still love him?  

    I may be wrong, but I'm getting some pictures that might be related.  How could you not express yourself?  I know very few women who can't related to their emotions, but a lot of men.  If you feel something, just dive in and say it.  It may come out wrong, but you can always try to be clearer.  But, not saying anything sounds like you don't feel anything.  The worst is that he won't return those feelings.  It hurts, yes, but it is better to know and not be used than to not know and be used the way most people are.  If the expression was to be physical, were YOU ready for that?  Remember, a relationship is a two way street, it works both ways and you have to be comfortable with each other, trust each other, and care, otherwise, well, it isn't what it could be.  You're not a door mat or a door k**b.

    Look into yourself and see what is going on.  Everything starts from you, including the cards. :)

    Good luck, and if you want, I can check into those cards.  Just don't depend on them too much, they can be wrong.  

  2. well it certainly means you are gullible. Tarot is pretentious shite no more no less

  3. Asking for trouble if you trust those cards.

  4. 2 swords means you had  turpeth   you must be try for take vitory or things   the sun means you will lucky

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