
What do these dreams mean exactly?

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Ok first, I had a dream the other night about my favorite actor from a show called Degrassi, Ryan Cooley. We were in a house and all some of my friends were there and this boy that I have never met before, but he looked oddly familiar. He chased me around and he seemed like he liked me. What does that mean? Also, I had a dream recently that I was with my family in Disney World, of all places, and we went to get on this ride, and when we got on, it took us to these strange city looking buildings, that looked familiar, but again, I have never seen them in my life. Then, we got back on the ride and it dumped us through the roof of a house in the middle of nowhere. We walked out and all we saw was this sandy looking dirt and a lifeguard in a chair crying. She asked me for a tissue and I gave her one, then we talked then got back on the ride which took us right back to Disney! What does that mean? Also, what does it mean if majority of my dreams take place in the same exact location???




  1. I can't really answer specifically but I've listed a site I always go to to diagnose my dreams :-D

  2. 1) Infatuation. Wish-fulfillment. You are unsatisfied with your life, substantiated by the fact a stranger chased you, not your friends.

    2) Your life is going nowhere. Even in a thrilling setting like DW you get dumped "in the middle of nowhere". The lifeguard is you, crying because you have nowhere to go.

    3) see 2. Even subconsciously you find you can't escape your surroundings.

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