
What do u think about Vietnam?

by Guest32309  |  earlier

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Vietnam is a peaceful place, i love Viet Nam




  1. Let me guess... You watched Anthony Bourdain go to Vietnam last night so you want to go there too now.

  2. nver been der.c:

  3. TO THE ABOVE WHO COMPLAIN ABOUT vn communist government: vn is ONLY communist because the  democratic french tried to ENSLAVE the good pepole of vn and democratic america when it had the chance to win over vn instead supported the french... this is INDISPUTABLE!  to free themselves from the french vn had to turn to the communist nation for support.

  4. i wouldn't go back, you can have that country

  5. Well since I'm Vietnamese, I guess my answer will be biased. I think that Vietnam is growing economically despite it's communist condition. e

  6. Communist dictatorships tend to be peaceful.

    It's hard to disrupt the peace with the boot of the government planted firmly on your neck.

  7. as an asian american.  as a fellow asian person.  vietnam to most asians are considered the ghettos among the asians.  sort of like they are wannabe gangstas.  that's just what we think as a whole.  if you want to know.

  8. The 2nd commander is a loser and a jealous freak that why he know nothing about VIETNAM and got no knowledge at all so just shut up and go back to your hole and be a commander of a pirate soemwhere in indochina sea,watch out or communist will be at your door at night and make you disappear boy,hahahahahaha there is a character saying stupid mind make you become a stupider!

  9. Yep, been at peace for a long time and its economy and economic influence in Asia is growing.

  10. i guess so. my dad used to go to vietnam to do business.

    if you like peaceful place, you should visit cambodia too. the people there are really nice. very basic and simple.

  11. It's peaceful now.  Wasn't when I was there.  I'd like to go back sometime.

  12. Seems like a nice place with nice people from what I have seen on TV and in pictures.  I'd like to vacation there some day I think.

  13. To 2nd Commander up there, name me a country in Asia that are slum free.  Even in most developed country in asia, you will find pockets of slum areas.  I've been to Vietnam and noticed there are modern and developed areas just like any industrialized countries.  With the fast pace development in Vietnam at the moment, Vietnam will soon catch up with any industrialized countries in Asia as well as the world.  Anyway, to answer your question, Vietnam is a special country in many ways.  The people are extremely hospitable and honest.  They are intelligent and yet humble.  They are ambitious and hard working.  The sceneries are just breath taken because they are beautiful.

  14. I have a very good friend from Vietnam. She is freakin awesome! I don't really know anything about the country itself though.

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