
What do u think about it)?

by Guest64862  |  earlier

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Ok there is this really hot girl at my school and people call her a (ho) but i dont think she is one.One day i set next to here at lunch and she was being really nice to me (i never really talk to her) and im kind of shy talking to girls then she gave me a peice of mint gum and i though ( is my breath smelling or something? ) do u thing she game me gum cuz of my breath? ( i kno this is a stupid question)




  1. I know people who hand out gum to everyone around whenever they have it with them, just to be friendly.

    By the way, you sound really sweet. I wouldn't be surprised if she likes you, too.

  2. could be, ask one of your buddies if ur breath is kickin lol

    if not then  shes just being nice

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