
What do u think???????

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my ex-friend called me ugly and fat. that brought down my self confidence a lot. what would u rate me?




  1. 3.5

    well i give you a 3.  you lose .5 since you had to use yahoo to build your self-esteem.  jeez.

  2. Not ugly or fat, haha

    What a jerk! Bah, she's probably just mad at wanted to make you feel mad. Don't listen to her ;]

    You get an 8.5

  3. she is just jealous. U r really preety.don't let anybody take u down cause that's what they want to see so don't give them that a 9

  4. holy c**p.

    what was she thinking?

    seriously,your gorgeous!

    like honestly i don't know why she would say that

    what type of friend is she?!

    she lied :P

  5. you are like a 10 baby

  6. Um... You're pretty and skinny. I think you're friend just said that to make you feel as bad as she does about herself. :(

  7. First of all your not even close to being fat. Second of all girls do this to eachother all they time, when they feel bad about themselves they attack someone else to make them feel how they feel. Ignore her there is not one thing wrong with you.

  8. omg your goregeous lie

    tell your friend to tell it to my p***s so i can smack her with it when she says stupid things like that lol

  9. what! your gorgeuos! s***w your friend! she must have been real insecure to bring you down like that. your an 8/10

  10. duh she would call u that she is ur EX friend

    and nooo u r not ugly or fat

  11. OMFG!! YOU ARE HUGE AND GROSS! wtf, are you serious?

    ok.....why did you even waste our time. Stop fishing for compliments?! are you that low on self esteem?!?!?

  12. i think you are very pretty... if i were as pretty as you and my ex friend told me that i would completely ignore her! she is DEFINITELY jelous!!

  13. eh you aight

  14. well, your not fat...........

  15. 8..ur gorgeous..ur firend is porbable just jealous!  

  16. your friend is just jealous

  17. your beautful and NOT FAT!! dfdfsgg girls are so mean sometimes
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