
What do vegetarians think of this...?

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I'm vegetarian for my own health (I also don't use dairy products because they are unnnatural), but I was wondering what you guys think of this:

I watched a movie about the Kung bushmen of the Kalahari desert. Part of that movie involved a group of Kung men taking down and killing a whole giraffe.

I think this is perfectly acceptable because their subsistence revolves around having a food supply and they used the entire giraffe and were very respectful when butchering it. What does everyone else think?




  1. it means you are not a vegetarian like you claim to be.

  2. he more reaasonable and logical ones would not see a problem with such a scenario.]]

    The illogical fanaics would probably write PETA and inquire as to how they can protest the Kung tribe for being so cruel to defenseless animals

    And kids will watch the video and cry themselves to sleep then bug their parents the nexr day that they want to be vegetarians, then ask on YA what a vegetarian can eat

    Others won't care.

    Not all vegetarians/vegans think alike nor do they have the same uniform opinion on everything. They are as different as their individual fingerprints

  3. good job..

  4. I'm not vegan, but i totally think its acceptable if its a life or death situation so i believe it is extremely appropriate, plus it was just a movie.

  5. Its Okay

  6. That's OK

  7. Yes, i think its perfectly acceptable. Im vegan. i would eat meat if i hunted for my own, but i dont. the meat industry is disgusting and i refuse to eat any meat that i dont get and kill myself.

  8. I'm vegan and I'm aware that anyone that has a problem with what you described by aboriginal peoples has their their head shoved up very far into a dark place.

  9. Of course it's okay. I think that there's nothing intrinsically wrong with killing and eating animals for food. Not everybody in the world has the luxury of a grocery store. Some people need to hunt and gather. In situations like that, meat is definitely the most efficient source of energy.

  10. I am vegetarian, and I agree with you.  They are doing what they need to do in order to survive and feed their families.  I admire them for treating the animal with respect.  Like the Indians, they also use EVERY part of the animal, allowing nothing to go to waste.  If more people had to hunt, kill, and butcher their own meat, there would be plenty more vegetarians in the world, I imagine.  Its only because it comes so neatly packaged, and the dirty work is done by someone else that most people eat meat.  I don't care how hungry I got, I am not sure I would have the ability to kill the animal, gut it, and use every part of it.  I have NO issues with growing my own veggies though!  I am glad I have a choice!  Although I am content to not eat meat, I admire hunters who do the dirty work themselves-much better than just choosing a steak from the store and forgetting the fact that it is actually a dead creature.  Too bad more people arent aware of what really goes on in the meat industry-not just from the animal cruelty standpoint, but the whole disgusting enterprise of it all.  and have some startling facts on the matter.  (warning-graphic)!

  11. I think if the best available source of sustenance was a giraffe, I'd be in there with my spear. Luckily, I can make better choices.

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