
What do you do with ghosts?

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I live in a two bedroom apartment and one bathroom. Now I lived at this place for a year and never had a problem with it at all. Now until recently I have one of my friends that's been staying over lately, and she says that each time she falls asleep at my apartment she hears these high pitch screams, more of a high pitch torture screams. Now when she hears these screams she just see's white, like bright white. She tell's me that then wakes up and just feels this deep loneliness. I have never had this since I lived there or any of my roommates have never experience this. And my friend says that this ONLY happens when she spends the night at my apartment. So I can rule out her going physco. Why is she the only one hearing it? I'm trying to firgure out to see if there was any murders or suicides or something that happen there. Any ideas?




  1. I don't think your friend is going crazy or anything. I  think your friend is sensitive to the spirit world and that is why she is picking up on this. I don't know what religion she belongs to but if she follows my advice she should feel better. First she need to pray asking Jesus Christ to protect her fom all harm and danger. By praying I mean simply going somewhere privately and just talk to God like you would a normal person asking him for his protection. Then whenever she is in your apartment she needs to command those spirits to leave her and your apartment alone in the name of Jesus Christ.By commanding them I mean telling them forcefully as if you could see them (like you would a human being) to leave her and the apartment alone in the name of Jesus Christ. I also suggest that you contact a pastor and ask him to bless your apartment, to pray for the safety of you both and to give you both advice on the matter.

    In terms of your friend sensitivity to the spirit world it could either come from God or from a demonic spirit. If this sensitivity comes from God it simply means that he is planning to use that gift in some way to help people etc not in any occultic sense like being psychic but in a godly sense. Now if her gift comes from a demonic source. It could be that someone in her family was has died was involved in the occult and their ability to be sensitive to the spirit world was passed on to her. Therefore if that is the case she needs to pray asking Jesus Christ to forgive her family for being involved in the occult because it is a sin.  Next she needs to ask him to cleanse her family completely from the occult and to take away from her every single sensitivity to the spirit world that is occultic in origin and any other occultic ability. The occult is not something anybody should ever mess with and it can hurt people. Feel free to send me a message if you want further help etc

    By the way I had a similar experience like your friend. One night I was sleeping and woke up to a woman screaming very loudly. It was earsplitting and awful The next day I called my neighbour and asked if she heard it but she didn't hear anything even though the scream was coming from near where she was. I found out that some years before a woman was attacked by some men and she was shot right where I heard the screaming and unfortunately she died. Therefore it is a possibility that a woman could have been killed or mistreated in that apartment and your friend is picking up on that. That is why it is necessary for her to command that spirit to leave the apartment and for your apartment to be blessed.

  2. Are you  brave enough to face this kind of situation ? If theres really some sort of creature in your apartment,I would suggest for you to stay up in one night and asked what do they want ? Or you can ask her to come along to your apartment and asked the ghost.But remember,only when you have your mind clear up and your ready to go on this kind of situation.

    Or you can just take your move and carry on staying at your apartment or move out ? Hmm..maybe reading some prayers would do ?

  3. Id say that your friend is more sensitive to these things then any of your other friends. If she believes there is an unhappy spirit there then you can cleanse your house to get it to move on quite easily, but if shes the only one that can hear it then she may be the best person to perform the cleansing. Talk to her and see if shes comfortable with that as it can be an intense experience. If she is willing then come back and message me and ill tell you how to cleanse the space :)

    *Blessed Be*

  4. your friend could be conduit for another world the spirit world try talking to the spirit and see want it wants then tell it it's time to move on and to go to the light

  5. Humans are a diverse bunch.  Some have more sensitive eyes than

    others, some have more sensitive hearing.  If her hearing is "hyper"

    she could be reacting to just about anything (incl a bearing in the

    frig compressor).

    Beyond that, I don't know how you'd "fix" the situation without someone

    coming in to check for disembodied entites who could then "clear" the

    area if it was confirmed.

    Check your hard-copy Yellow Pages of any large metropolitan area

    near you for "new age", "metaphysical", "magic(k)", "paranormal", etc.

    The shops listed will either have bulletin boards with notices of local

    Covens, Drumming Circles, and/or Orders OR the staff when queried

    may be able to refer you to one of their frequent customers who can

    assist you.

  6. possible banshee spirit banshees are spirit of a female who was in a great deal of pain is calling your Friend why cause she is clairvoyant possibility this spirit is a demon entity and not human so you shouldn't contact it ok this things will  is to break your friends heart so another or it self can take over you need  a priest or wiccan to cleanse the house but don't move out like on taps or paranormal state which they  dont know  hauted house from fun house no ghost busters paranormal  teams they just disturb the enitys

  7. ask the apartment manager if there was an murder or suicide in the apartment. Google the room number and the apartment name to see if something will come up as if it was in the news. maybe its someone next door or maybe something happened while building this apartment. light a holy candle (get them at voodoo shops, I'm sure they have some on-line)

  8. Wow, with all this talk about spirits, conduits and holy candles (what?), I feel I must interject to offer up a rational explanation.

    Although I'm basing this off your very brief description of events, I would say that it's more than likely that your friend is experiencing hypnagogia ( ). She probably only experiences this at your apartment because it's an unfamiliar (or semi-unfamiliar) sleeping environment. I know that whenever I sleep at someone's house, I tend to not be as comfortable as I am at home. I don't experience symptoms as dramatic as your friend, but it's certainly a possibility.

    Now, doesn't this theory explain why neither you nor your roommates have ever had these experiences in your apartment better than ideas about "unhappy spirits" and "spiritual sensitivity"? If I were you, I wouldn't waste time staying up all night talking to yourself, and I certainly wouldn't move out based purely on fear of imagined spirits.

    Notice how some people have a knee-jerk reaction to diagnose something like this as a "haunting" or whatever. They seem to love inducing fear. But the hurdle that these people can't seem to clear is that they introduce numerous unproven (often unprovable) assumptions about reality and ignore what we already know about the human consciousness and other scientific evidence. To believe in the paranormal, a person has to be somewhat closed-minded to reason and reality.

    *Please note that you do not need to visit any voodoo shops, pull any all-nighters, conduct extensive research into your rental property, or relocate in order to accept this theory as the most likely explanation for these events.

  9. Some people are just more in tune with the spiritual realm than others.  Maybe your friend is one of those people.  

    If you or your roommates aren't bothered by anything, I'd leave it alone if I were you.  You might get into something you aren't prepared to deal with.  

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