
What do you honestly think about....???

by  |  earlier

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I didn't get my normal period last month all I had was a little bit of pink discharge and some brown discharge for three whole weeks. After those three weeks I now have my next period and now have extremely painful cramps and tons of blood clots.

My periods are not normally like this. I don't usually have lots of blood clots or cramps.

Is this normal?

What do you think?

Thanks in advance





  1. Visit with your Gyn MD...every several years women's periods change...but it could be a sign of endometriosis or uterine fibroids.

    It's not necessarily normal, but may be normal for you.

    Google:  mayo clinic>>diseases>>endometriosis

    >>fibroids, uterine

    Good luck

  2. If you are sexually active it is possible you are having a miscarriage.  Go see your physician.

  3. You don't say your age, but if you are young it sounds normal. It takes your body a couple of years to regulate.  

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