
What do you know about Weimar?

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What do you know about Weimar?




  1. Weimar is in Central Germany.

    Loads of history there - and loads of things to see and do.

    There is even an Australian bar there where you can eat crocodile - if you are interested!

    Weimar is one of the great cultural sites of Europe, having been home to such luminaries as Goethe, Schiller, and Herder. It has been a site of pilgrimage for the German intelligentsia since Goethe first moved to Weimar in the late 18th century. The tombs of Goethe and Schiller as well as their archives, may be found in the city. It is around the city of Weimar that Goethe's famous 1809 Elective Affinities is based.

    The period in German history from 1919-1933 is commonly referred to as the Weimar Republic, as the Republic's constitution was drafted here because the capital, Berlin, with its street rioting after the 1918 German Revolution, was considered too dangerous for the National Assembly to convene there. Weimar was beside Dessau the center of the Bauhaus movement. The city houses art galleries, museums and the German national theatre. The Bauhaus University and the Liszt School of Music Weimar attracted many students, specializing in media and design, architecture, civil engineering and music, to Weimar.

    During World War II, there was a concentration camp near Weimar, at Buchenwald, a little wood that Goethe had loved to frequent only 8 kilometers from the city center. More than 55,000 prisoners entered the gates bearing the mottos "Jedem das Seine" ("to each his due") and "Recht oder Unrecht—Mein Vaterland" ("right or wrong—my fatherland").[citation needed]

    The European Council of Ministers selected the city as a European Capital of Culture for 1999.

  2. the first answer is very good, I couild not improve on it

  3. Quite alot!  This is a link to have a look at

    Otherwise add a more detailed question for better answers!

  4. It is a city in the former East Germany, once known for the Weimar Republic, once the Cultural capital of Europe

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