
What do you know about iran?!?

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What do you know about iran?!?




  1. Iran is a threat to US interests, perhaps more so as a result to the past 7.5 years.

    If you follow the link below be sure to scroll down.  Take note of the Religion entry.  The interplay between Shia/Sunni Muslims in Iran and Iraq is important to understanding the depth of Bush 43's incompetence and Bush 41's genius in the Middle East.

  2. In the name of Allah they want to nuke us and Isreal!

  3. It's very good country, because there is not liar men and women,for example usa's men and israel men,

    but i'm sorry for backlash of other country afront iran,

    there is glow people , in one Sentence Iran is wonderful country and hase wonderful people.

    thanks dear emad for this nice question.

  4. I know that a ton of things we use everyday were invented/discovered in Iran, such as: algebra, ethanol, ice cream, polo, etc.  Well...I've never played polo, but I use all the others.

    The general population is pro-Western, but their prime minister is not.  He is not popular there, and the prime minister in Iranian gov't, while powerful, is not quite as powerful as that office is in the British, Canadian, etc. gov'ts since in the Iranian structure there are other powerful offices also, which the PM must answer to.

    Shiraz is a type of wine, and a city in Iran, so I would assume there is some connection.

    They have mountains in Iran.

    Some good classical literature came from Persia/Iran.

    Oh, and of course the whole debate about are they seeking nuclear technology for weapons or for electricity, and the embassy thing from the 70s.

    Okay, that's about all I know.

  5. First of all, please bother to capitilize the name of the country my blood is from. How would you like it if I called the US us? Big difference, right?

    1) Iran is a great country with great people.

    2) Iran needs to stop putting ignorant religous people with no knowledge of politics or diplomacy as president.

    3) Iran is a jewel to the world, and probably the shiniest jewel.

    4) Iran is pronounced EE-RAAN, not I RAN like I ran to the store.

    5) Iran is using its nuclear program to GENERATE ELECTRICITY.

    6) Iran has hottt people. Check out:

    I know tons more about this fabulous country but for your purposes, this will due:

    Iran (Persian: ايران, /irɒn/↔[ʔiˈɾɒn] (help·info)), officially the Islamic Republic of Iran (Persian: جمهوری اسلامی ايران, pronounced [dʒomhuːɾije eslɒːmije iːɾɒn]), formerly known internationally as Persia until 1935, is a country in Central Eurasia, located on the northeastern shore of the Persian Gulf. The name Iran is a cognate of Aryan, and means "Land of the Aryans".[4][5][6]

    The 18th largest country in the world in terms of area at 1,648,195 km², Iran has a population of over seventy million. It is a country of special geostrategic significance due to its central location in Eurasia. Iran is bordered on the north by Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. Being a littoral state of the Caspian sea, an internal sea and condominium, Kazakhstan and Russia are also Iran's direct neighbours to the north. On the east by Afghanistan and Pakistan; on the south by the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman; and on the west by Turkey and Iraq. Tehran is the capital, largest city and the political, cultural, commercial, and industrial center of the nation. Iran is a regional power,[7][8] and occupies an important position in international energy security and world economy as a result of its large reserves of petroleum and natural gas.

    Iran is home to one of the world's oldest continuous major civilizations, with historical and urban settlements dating back to 4000 BC.[9][10][11] The Medes unified Iran into a kingdom in 625 BC[1]. They were succeeded by three Iranian dynasties, the Achaemenids, Parthians and Sassanids, which governed Iran for more than 1000 years. After centuries of foreign occupation and short-lived native dynasties, Iran was once again reunified as an independent state in 1551 by the Safavid dynasty—who promoted s**+'a Islam[12] as the official religion of their empire, marking one of the most important turning points in the history of Islam.[13] Iran had been a monarchy ruled by a Shah, or emperor, almost without interruption from 1501 until the 1979 Iranian revolution, when Iran officially became an Islamic Republic on 1 April 1979.[14][15]

    Iran is a founding member of the UN, NAM, OIC, and OPEC. The political system of Iran, based on the 1979 Constitution, comprises several intricately connected governing bodies. The highest state authority is the Supreme Leader. s**+'a Islam is the official religion, and Persian is the official language.[16]

    The term Iran (ایران) in modern Persian derives from the Proto-Iranian term Aryānām first attested in Zoroastrianism's Avesta tradition.[17] Ariya- and Airiia- are also attested as an ethnic designator in Achaemenid inscriptions. The term Ērān from Middle Persian Ērān, Pahlavi ʼyrʼn, is found at the inscription that accompanies the investiture relief of Ardashir I at Naqsh-e Rustam.[18] In this inscription, the king's appellation in Middle Persian contains the term ērān (Pahlavi: ʼryʼn), while in the Parthian language inscription that accompanies it, Iran is mentioned as aryān. In Ardashir's time ērān retained this meaning, denoting the people rather than the state.

    Notwithstanding this inscriptional use of ērān to refer to the Iranian peoples, the use of ērān to refer to the geographical empire is also attested in the early Sassanid period. An inscription of Shapur I, Ardashir's son and immediate successor, apparently "includes in Ērān regions such as Armenia and the Caucasus which were not inhabited predominantly by Iranians."[19] The Sassanids called Iran Erânshahr or Iranshahr,  , "Dominion of the Aryans", (i.e. of Iranians). In Kartir's inscriptions the high priest includes the same regions in his list of provinces of the antonymic Anērān.[19] Both ērān and aryān comes from the Proto-Iranian term Aryānām, (Land) of the (Iranian) Aryas. The word and concept of Airyanem Vaejah is present in the name of the country Iran (Lit. Land of the Aryans) inasmuch as Iran (Ērān) is the modern Persian form of the word Aryānā.

    In the outside world, the official name of Iran from 6th century BC until 1935 was Persia or similar foreign language translations (La p***e, Das Persien, Perzie, etc.). In that year Reza Shah asked the international community to call the country by the name "Iran". A few years later some Persian scholars protested to the government that changing the name had separated the country from its past, so in 1959 Mohammad Reza Shah announced that both terms could officially be used interchangeably. Now both terms are common, but "Iran" is used mostly in the modern political context and "Persia" in a cultural and historical context. Since the Iranian Revolution of 1979, the official name of the country has been the "Islamic Republic of Iran."

    Iran is divided into thirty provinces (ostān), each governed by an appointed governor (استاندار, ostāndār). The provinces are divided into counties (shahrestān), and subdivided into districts (bakhsh) and sub-districts (dehestān).

    Iran has one of the highest urban-growth rates in the world. From 1950 to 2002 the urban proportion of the population increased from 27% to 60%.[26] The United Nations predicts that by 2030 80% of the population will be urban.[27] Most internal migrants have settled near the cities of Tehran, Isfahan, Ahvaz, and Qom. The listed populations are from the 2006/07 (1385 AP) census.[28] Tehran, with population of 7,705,036, is the largest city in Iran and is the Capital city. Tehran is home to around 11% of Iran's population. Tehran, like many big cities, suffers from severe air pollution. It is the hub of the country's communication and transport network.

    Mashhad with a population of 2.8 million is the second largest Iranian city and the centre of the province of Razavi Khorasan. Mashahd is one of the holiest s**+'a cities in the world as it is the site of the Imam Reza shrine. It is the centre of tourism in Iran and between 15 and 20 million pilgrims go to the Imam Reza's shrine every year.[29][30] Another major Iranian city is Isfahan (population 1,986,542). Isfahan is the capital of Isfahan Province. The Naghsh-e Jahan Square in Isfahan has been designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. The city contains a wide variety of Islamic architectural sites ranging from the eleventh to the 19th century. The growth of suburb area around the city has turned Isfahan to the second most populous metropolitan area (3,430,353).[31] The other major Iranian cities are Karaj (population 1,732,275), Tabriz (population 1,597,312) and Shiraz (population 1,227,331). Tabriz is situated north of the volcanic cone of Sahand south of the Eynali mountain. Tabriz is the largest city in north-western Iran and is the capital of East Azarbaijan Province. Karaj is located in Tehran province and is situated 20 km west of Tehran, at the foot of Alborz mountains, however the city is increasingly becoming an extension of the metropolitan Tehran.

    Read more at:

    Answer my question:

    And finally, please pronounce Iran EE-RAAN, please capitilize it as you know its a proper noun, and bother to do a bit more research when you say that Iran is supporting terrorists, which it is absolutely NOT.


  6. They don't have any g*y people in Iran. Which is wierd, why wouldn't the Republican's like them? They seem to be a model of what the USA wants to be, but instead of Radical Conservative Islam, the US would be Radical Conservative Christian, like the 1950's but worse.

  7. I know that their leader is an idiot and they have far too many weapons of mass distruction.  They are a country who only knows violence and unfortunately that is all they preach to their kids.  Look at all the people who have left the country over the years.  If it was such a great country those same people would have stayed there.

  8. I know it borders Turkmenistan, Azerbaijhan, Armenia,  Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea.

    I know that its population is the most pro-western population in the Middle East among Arab and Persian Nations.

    I know it is a member of OPEC.

    I know it is the birthplace of the Islamic Revolution.

    I know its government is no friend to the USA.

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