
What do you like to do?

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If you're not on Y/A, what do you like to do most with your online time?

I just started BluBet and it's been so much fun, although sometimes inappropriate for youth, there are alot of youth playing. It's an online gambling site, not real money, where you answer questions and win/loose money and you can challenge or ask quesions too. It's new to me, but I found out about it from a Y/A contact and I find it a nice change of pace, plus it's fun to win! How about you, is there some great cite you can hook us up with?




  1. world of warcraft its very fun to play and hang out with friends that play it as well.

  2. i'm usually in multiply or even myspace.

  3. Computer games, to relieve my brain, or pinball.

  4. I spend a lot of time on multiply chatting to people in different parts of the world, mainly the US and Canada.

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