
What do you take seriously?

by  |  earlier

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what will you not joke about?




  1. I won't joke about people with disabilities - they simply can not help the situation they are in. I won't joke about someone being ill - ESPECIALLY mental illness, as I have studied many of the disorders and they are horrible for those who live with them day after day. I won't joke about someone who has cancer, AIDS, etc. It's heartless and mean.

    I take money very seriously. I earn it and I spend it how I want. I do not accept anyone asking about where my money goes or exactly how much I make. It's rude and it's nosey.

    I don't joke about anything that has to do with children. They are innocent and deserve to be left as such. Any sexual jokes about kids, any jokes about them being "stupid" or "annoying", I don't find funny. Children are a reflection of their parents. If a comment needs to be made, I will make a joke directed at a parent before I ever target a child.

    Lastly, I do not appreciate anyone "joking" about animal abuse or murder or hurting another human being. It disturbs me.

    Despite all of these things, I almost always get jokes, and believe it or not, I've done some stand up comedy.

  2. The only things I put off limits are torture and mutilation. Anything else is fair game. Death , rape, murder, pedophilia, drugs, racism, anything.

  3. My happiness

  4. There are two things I take extremely serious.  The first is God and I can't remember the other.

  5. i don't joke about my child and his well-being. i also don't joke about rape, physical violence, pedophilia.....

    that said, i love jokes. i just think that some things in life need to be taken seriously.

  6. the herb

  7. My job, my education, my family... the rest is not as important to take seriously...

  8. I'm all for a bit of dark or black humour but I think you shouldn't joke about peodophilia, rape, cancer.

    What do you mean politics? The whole thing is a joke!

  9. abuse and assaults on people but especially on women and children who everyone agrees are weaker

    Any form of racism etc...

    People trying to get me to give up my religion so I will sleep with them before they marry me   RELIGION IS VERY IMPORTANT

    And abuse and destruction of nature and animals

  10. GLBT rights

  11. violence and death

  12. Abortion

    Any kind of abuse...child, domestic, animal, male, female



    stuff like that..

  13. I may not joke about everything, but that doesn't mean I can't help but laugh when someone else does.

  14. Anything can be funny.

  15. Politics.

  16. An all you can eat chinese buffet. If you were to join me at one you'd find that I won't even talk to you until eating starts causing me more pain than pleasure. If you cracked a joke I'd probably just stare at you blankly and keep chewing. I don't mess around.

  17. friends's emotions

  18. I take it very seriously when people make fun of my heritage.  I'm very proud of who I am & how I came to be.  Some people are so insensitive about telling jokes about different ethnic groups.  We are such a diverse sociaty that it is so easy to offend someone.  I won't tell a joke to anyone unless I ask first if they mind hearing about the subject.  Seriously, I'm a big jokster.....

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