
What do you thank about ESP?

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do you have it,when my son was little he would start talking about what i was thanking, was that ESP




  1. No, that's just a coincidence that you two were thinking of the same thing at the same time.  It happens all the time.  

  2. Extra Sensory Perception has a rainbow of Expressions, starting with Spiritual Intuition - that Inner Feeling that guides us to do, or not do something, based solely on It not Feeling Right, at the very moment of that Action. (such as the stories of not boarding the ill-fated flight...or taking a 'turn' that takes you to a revelation, or an answer...) That same Spirit Pathway, If Active, Allows One to Know, or to seemingly discover, what is beyond ones immediate ability to know. (That's one way that new discoveries are made...) Also Gold, diamonds, lost treasure, etc., are located by trial and error, or are 'found' by focusing that Spirit Path. (Truly any Arena of Life can be enhanced Via Spirit...) Specific Thought Transfer between people, (between loved ones especially...) requires the participants to have Active Spirit Awareness. Most people stop using the Spirit Pathways, as soon as the Mind gains the Ability to Decipher the World, through Language and Verbal Communication. Those of Us who kept Our Center of Awareness in Our Spirits, instead of the Mind, never get Bored - for Each Second of Life, is Truly Never the Same...

    God is Real, and Guides Those who can Focus this Spirit Ability, that All Beings have - but that Most abandon. If your eyes are closed, you can't See. If your Spirit isn't Utilized and kept Active, by Constant Use, It Fades away into the Subconscious. But, here's the Thing, as they say - The Mind can Produce a Voice, or even a Vision, based Solely on Input. Much like the wild dreams or nightmares, the Mind will process Passionately. Seek and Ye Shall find - but through the Mind, one is Not connected to others - Dreams and Visions of that Type are just Wild Productions of the Mind. Seek through Spirit, and you are Connected through Spirit, to Others and God...

    Think of these Connections through Religious Venues or Arenas, and you have a Category. (as one example...) All Categories of Life are Available to Connect to. (Connecting to the Answer, Wherever in God's Universe, That answer is found...) We are like Spirit-radio Stations on the same frequencies. (again, Only if kept Active - we Currently live in a World of self-centered Minds, Spirit has been Lost to Most...)

    Religions Work with, and through the Mind, but those who Authored (or Channelled...) Them, were at Least, Inspired through The Awareness of a True feeling of, and a Connection to Beyond. This 'Beyond', that they Feel - Is Here, It's Not Elsewhere, as in some Hidden Dimension - or a Seperate Heaven.. God and Spirit Exist Here - In This God Created, Fantastic Universe... (Beyond the Physical, Exists Right Here - Inside of Us - and All around God's Cosmos...there is no Conflict, between God and Us Spiritual [Non-religious...] Loving Beings...)

    My Personal Experiences with ESP, have Enhanced the Arena of My Survival. I always manage to Stay Alive, regardless of the fact that I am often my own worst Enemy. My Family has a Thing, we have all done repeatedly, that is best described as Synchronicity. You can feel when you are in the right place at the right time (Always, as a Spirit, One is Aware that We, are Many - the 'Body' of the True Light...) - you have to meet your Destiny halfway, I say. There are always three Paths, at any given moment, for one to take. The Spirit, the Mind, the Body - (in other words...) Action, Faith, or Selfishness. (to understand That, is to Know God, not just Believe in God...)

  3. That's what I call "Waving". Long time ago, I use to work with a guy at a convince store/gas station in Oregon were it is illegal to pump your own gas. Him and I could read each others minds. It was Trippy. 1 night we tested just how good our "Waving" was and we didn't speak all night. I charged every customer the right amount for there gas without them or him telling me. Twins can do that stuff too.

    I think a ESP episode would be more like knowing something is going to happen before it happens.

    that is my answer

  4. here's an perfect example ESP, check it out!!

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