
What do you think? Does he...?

by Guest56542  |  earlier

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The guy I'm crushing on is nice, funny, social, good-looking and just all around a pretty great guy. He's in my 3rd hour and we usually talk to each other a lot. But he has a gf- which he doesn't seem to like a whole lot except for one thing- but he flirts with me a lot. Even when we're out w/ his friends he always does something to start talking to me. How should I go about this since he does have a gf- but she doesn't go to our school. I see him early in the mornings at school too should I just go up and talk w/ him. Just as friends for now even though he flirts and just get closer to him somehow? His mom really likes me too and I can't help to think maybe he does too. Any advice? Although, he's a freshman- me sophomore- but he is older by about 3-4 months.





  1. I never poach on anyone else's preserves.  If you develop feelings for each other, make sure you're both single.

  2. I'm going to have to agree with Chupa, thought flirting is natural and some people do it subconsciously what makes you think he's going to be faithful with you when you're together if he's flirting with you when he has a girlfriend? I'm also going to say wait and see what happens. If you're really patient something could always happen down the road otherwise move on.

  3. just tell him how u feel about it, he'll understand, plus his gf is not in ur school so he'll forget about her  

  4. These situations suck. Even if he really really likes you, he still has a girlfriend. If he genuinely liked you, he wouldn't still be with her. It's okay to be friends with this guy, and maybe even start dating him. when he's single. But for now, just be friends. If you want to know if he likes you, watch how he interacts with other girls too. He could just be a flirty guy naturally! But if you don't see him like that with others, keep your distance.  

  5. It sounds like you already indicated to him you like him. He needs to make the next move. Don't let him get away with having both his gf and you! You have to be sure he broke up with her, otherwise it'll just be a lot of trouble (broken heart) for you. Start paying attention to one or more other guys - even though you don't really want to date them. Before long you'll know if the first guy really likes you! Age makes no difference. Good luck!

  6. You really like him and you think he really likes you, go for it. Especially if she is not in that school. She must not be doing enough to keep his attention. You can ask what is going on between the two of them. From his answer, if you think he will be faithful to you, go for it.  

  7. Im not sure But w/e u Do u Better be sure about it If u mess this Up he may Never talk to u again =[

  8. I dont know, wait for him to break up with his gf

  9. Honey, if he's flirting with you and he has a girlfriend what makes you think he'll be faithful to you? Don't get involved with this creep.

  10. go the just be friends route and watch out for him and guys alike because he has a gf and still "flirty" would you like if he was your bf and flirty with other girls? I dont trust him.

  11. DO NOT start a relationship despite how much you want to if he has a GF. Just be really close friends, and subtley show him that you like him so he knows if he breaks up with this other girl, he has you. To subtley show him you like him stare at him that extra second longer then look down and smile/blush etc etc etc.

  12. Be careful dear your walking on very thin ice . Yes talk to him but be sure there's always a group of people around . But don't get to close as he may be using you to make his girl friend jealous. Jealousy can be a very dangerous thing now a days, and you don't want a broken heart . So I guess what I'm saying is be friends and see were it goes .

  13. Tell him how you feel,

    it seems to me he feels it back :)

    and see where it all leads you.

  14. There's nothing wrong with you becoming closer friends with him, and yeah you should go up and talk to him. You just have to respect the fact that he does have a gf. If it seems like he is only interested in her for the s*x, then it wont last that long anyway. If it seems obvious that he likes you too, you could talk to him about it.....say somthing like,

    " I really enjoy your friendship, we get on so well together, and I'm happy just being friends with you because I know you have a girlfriend, but if you didnt have one, then I think I would want to be more than friends with you..."

    Something like that anyway, just make sure you keep the boundries, and dont do anything while he has a could reck things between you in the long run.

  15. Well first. AGE DOES NOT MATTER AT ALL.

    second... he has a gf. so i would ask him first if he really likes her... and u should tell him how you feel... whats the worst that could happen? go for it.... if you do maybe he will say he does like you!  

  16. Please consider how he is treating his current gf. Is this acceptable to you? Do you want to be the next girlfriend that he uses for "one thing"?

    I think you deserve better and I hope you have enough self respect to think so too.

  17. just becareful, i had a best friend in high school who had a girlfriend who went to the same school. he is great, though i liked him alot i never told him, then he kissed me 3rd period after math, i was shocked. he was still my best friend, anyways the point of my story is that his girlfriend found out and she got really upset with me. i don't know why...i didn't kiss him! she broke up with him and he left to persue a career with the military after 9/11-we are from NY so it really meant alot to him. he has never spoken to me since. broke my heart, mainly bc i lost a best friend...just becareful is what i am trying to say. always hold an extra guard up! (this was 12th grade)- i am 25 yrs old now!

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