
What do you think about Georgia?

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what do you think about Georgia will this country be free or under control of Russian military?




  1. The ones that should be free are the south ossetians people. Georgia COWARDLY bombed them in the night and then cry to the world that Russia is invading them for no reason even after ADMITTING that they in fact did bomb south ossetia. Georgia deserves the treatment they got from Russia who only acted as self-defense - in defense of it's citizens. After all, it was one of the reasons to invade and occupy Iraq. Because of the crimes commited against the iraqis by Saddam Hussein. Georgia did commited crimes against the south ossetians.

  2. I hope so, its a terrible invasion of a free land in this century!

  3. I love it...GO DAWGS !!!!!!!!!

  4. The will get what they deserve.

    For the way they treated Osetians & Abhasians in the last 500 years........

    Read the history of that region

  5. I think it should be free of military occupation and I think that South Ossetia and Abkhazia should be free of Russian and Georgien troops and have the right of secession and self determination. So long as the western world bolsters the Georgian claim to territorial intergirty the Russians will have a foothold and basis in the caucasus. The Ossetians and Abkhazians will welcome and bolster their troops as well.

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