
What do you think about Jamaica ?

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Have you ever went there ? If so what was your experience like ?




  1. I believe it to be good, and also it has it's bad a mixture of good and bad. But! make sure you don't leave the resort; for in certain cities like kingston the capital of Jamaica; it can be very violent. That is where I came from, the most violent part of jamaica, if anything it's better you try negril and some of the historical sites, but make sure that you have a person that can show you and the group of other tourist the different sites and scenaries, try some of our food. A go to the historical healing river, there is a river that heals people, it has some special rare concentrations of minerals, if anyone finds the river, it can heal some of their ailments.

  2. I loved Ocho Rios, it depends where you stay. Jamaica is a beautiful place, just like most places it has its problems.

  3. honestly, i do not like it at all. its very very poor and dirty/old/cheap, the people are not friendly or warm, and its very unwelcoming. also its very dangerous. always have someone in your family or a friend with you at all times for serious safety reasons. i highly do not recommend going overall. maybe i had a bad experience, but i went to montigo bay or whatever its called lol. if you're going, i hope you have a great time! also heres a tip: NEVER use air jamaica!!!

    EDIT everything is also soooooo slow!!! i hope your an extremely patient person. good luck waiting 30 minutes for your drink at the bar and that other hour for your check or receit lol!!

  4. Jamaica is my country and am proud of it i love our food music and people trust me if you come here for a good while u turn fat rice and peas curry chicken(most on white rice) or curry goat ackee salt fish wid dumping  planting wid ur ginger beer danm i love the beaches am from norbrook but i grew up in mobay i love too go out every weekend the we have the vybz but the most place that i hang ot wid my fmaily and frenz is  mobay,port antontio,portmore,portland.spanish town,red hill, up st,catherine and st.elizabeth nice we always stay outside afta 6pm chat till nite LoL

  5. Jamaica is the best place i been SO FAR

  6. I have been there 8 times! It is awsome down there.

    I always would go with my mom, dad, aunt, uncle, cousin, grandma, and grandpa.

    It has really improved over the past year.

    If you are looking for a vacation, Jamacia is the place!

    I would alwas go to Club Mongoose while my mom and dad would go and drink and play games.

    It is so perfect down there!

  7. Don't go to Ocho Rios!!!! Dirty city & nasty pushy people.  

    I've heard Negril is wonderful, though.  

    However there are plenty of other places in the world I need to see beofre I go back to Jamaica.  I was just unfortunate to have picked the worst tourist town I could.

  8. I love Jamaica.  I went to Sandals Whitehouse for my honeymoon and it was great.  The people were so friendly.  I'm going back in 2 weeks!

  9. I'm Jamaican....And would never trade my country for no other place,like every other place of course jamaica has it's violence(I live in NY u cant  get any more  violent than that).But jamaica has a natural beauty...Negril, Ochios Rios, Mobay...all gorgeous but I'm from the South coast....Look up Jake's Resort in Treasure Beach....Great Spot.....Food,People everything is IRIE....But like every small island you need the government to do it's part and employ the youths with jobs...than violence would cut down alot.....Jamaica is a place you need to go an experience yourself.....Go ahead Take a Trip.....ONE LOVE

  10. I am Jamaican. Im gonna tell u the truth if u go to kingston it is a very dangerous place but ocho rios and al those tourists places arentim just tired of ppl thinking that jamaica is this perfect sunny island but it isnt and i m here to tell u the truth about it.

  11. Yes, I go to Jamaica every year; sometimes twice.  I love the people, food, ocean, culture, weather, etc.

    It really depends on what you are looking for.  If you travel or live in NYC; then leaving the resorts is very safe.  The cliff area in Negril is very interesting.  If you want a refined vacation with all the bells and whistles---go to Cancun to the Moon Palace.

  12. Jamaica is as dramatic as you can get.

    1. You can sip coffee in the mountains or sip water from a coconut on the beach...within the same hour.

    2. You can shoot fish with a speargun while scuba diving in prestine waters over beautiful corals, go hunting wildlife in the bushes, or you can go have a shoot-out with gangsters in the slums.

    3. You can go clubbing at sophisticated nightspots such as margueritaville, coral cliff, and jungle, or you can go check out hardcore dancehall 'passa passa' style.

    4. You could see a customized 2009 mercedes benz (that woudl sell here for nearly 3 times the price as its US sticker (total of US180k or more) cruising down the highway or you could see a 1970s Hillman hunter carrying vegatable and ground produce to a fresh fruits and vegatable market...on the same highway.

    5. You can see dilapidated Honda 50 (Cub) scooters being used for survival, and see CBR1000RR's or even a US$25k ducati just around the corner.

    6. You could get robbed because you chose to walk through a slum with flashy jewelry, wallets or purses on display,  OR you could be saved by ordinary citizens enraged because WE HATE petty thiefs and chain grabbers.

    7. You can find decent cheap hotels starting at about $90 per night, or you can find luxurious mansions that have hosted NUMEROUS presidents, superstars and odd billionares in romantic seclusion.

    Its all about picking the part of Jamaica YOU want to experience. You should NOT expect that you can come in on a cruise ship for a few hours and CLAIM to have seen Jamaica. It can all come at you a BIT too intensely....

  13. I think stingjam said it all best. I just want to add that I've been five times now. I've been all over the island from Negril to the Blue Mountains with a wonderful stay in Ocho Rios and several in Mobay. It's such a beautiful island, and the people are beautiful. There are visible problems with poverty just like you'd see in any major city in the US, but unless you go to Kinston, I don't think you will ever encounter a problem. People are people all over this world, and there are good, honest, hardworking people on the island of Jamaica and rogues....just like any other nation. You have to use common sense for any international travel. Don't let a few negative comments keep you from discovering this beautiful island jewel. One Love

  14. I've been there once. It's a very poor island and not a place where it's recommended that you leave the resort. The sand is coarse and rough so it's good to bring a pair of flip flops or beach shoes. The people at the resort are wonderful. I had a nice time there. The water is so clean and beautiful.

    I've been to Aruba as well. I liked Aruba better than Jamaica. You can walk around the island. The sand is soft. The water is that Caribbean blue.

  15. Jamaica is my country and i LOVE IT.  For those who do not like it just DO  NOT COME BACK HERE! Most of the people who says the island is dirty and poor and people are unkind, etc, WHERE THE h**l R U FROM!! IF it is all peaches and cream where u r from then JUST DO NOT COME BACK TO JAMAICA.  That is all.  It just gets me really upset when people bad mouth Jamaica. i am not saying we do not have problems here but u cannot come here for a week and start to generalise about the place.  For those who say kingston is bad and violent and all that. HAVE U EVER BEEN TO KINGSTON or r u going after what u hear.  I have lived in Kingston ALL MY LIFe and i never experienced any of the violence u speak about.  Speakign of dirty and nasty - where is more dirty and disgusting than NY? Check out ur underground stations always filled with garbage and spelling like p**s.  Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens? WHERE ELSE IS MORE VIOLENT THAN THAT.  My friend and i was assaulted and robbed in "beautiful amazing NY" Can i use that one experience to tell people not to go to NY.  Jamaica and especially the 'most awful' place on the planet kignston is like any other city with its share of good bad and ugly.  I have never seen beggars on the streets of Jamaica like i have seen in Paris. I have not felt more discrimated against as i have staying at a hotel in Scotland for 2 whole months (so i was not just imagining it). I have lived in england and have not been more disgusted by dirt and filth and all manner so astrociousness like i have been by parts of London or Birmingham.

    So whenever people ask about my country, please tell about ur experiences and DO NOT Generalize and say bad things and encourage people not to come.  We are normal people living our lives in our beautiful country. If you come here, the majority of us do our best to ensure that u have a beautiful stay.  Also Jamaica CANNOT be that terrible if year after year we are still one of the top destinations for tourist.


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