
What do you think causes desensitization?

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What do you think causes people to stop showing emotion and not feel about what happens around them?




  1. I know, systematic abuse. And boy does it p**s people off when they can't get under your skin to get you to emote.

  2. Years of being told by adults to stop crying, stop whining, that it didn't hurt 'that much', that we're not supposed to be angry, sad, hurt,'s pretty much drilled into us from birth. And then people wonder why kids stop caring (kids who grow up into adults who don't care)

  3. when it's constantly drilled into us. Every night or afternoon or day you turn on the television and thats all you see. Robberies, murder, rape, gang violence, fires, war, drugs, stabbings, beatings, you name it. After so long of seeing it day in day out its like... part of everyday life.

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