
What do you think is funny?

by  |  earlier

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my friend and i are going to make a lil comedy show on youtube or such i want it to do really well so i question for everyone.... what would keep you watching and wanting for more?? what would make you tune in every week? i also need some fresh ideas! give me a answer!!! :) what makes you laugh so hard you cry? all answers appreciated. thanks!




  1. the one thing i would want and would keep me watching, have CLEAR voices  and most of all a CLEAR picture on your camera.

    if your gonna be a comedy actor, people would want to know what you look like.. not just a blury image of someone and a quiet voice.

    I know your thinking WOOW! but its the only way if you want viewers.

    also, if you know how it works, have camera angles, maybe 2 cameras whilst your acting on each side, then edit them together... like a professional!

    believe me, you would get viewers.

    And as for comedy, just maybe steal jokes off tv shows and change them.

    oh and be good actors! no one likes to laugh at bad actors.

  2. Erm... you need something big to get viewers in the first place. I had one that failed because we couldn't get viewers in the first place, although from what i was told, people who did watch it liked it :P

    Make it unique and different - you get more people like you if you do proper comedy rather than stupid voices and crappy 'i think I'm really good' over-acting... And take the time to plan things properly - don't rush it, make it look good.

    Music parodies and stuff like that are usually good to get you noticed. I personally think dry humour and vlogs are funniest...

  3. tommy tiernan he,s brill

  4. I think terminal illness and autism is funny.

  5. outtakes put proper ones theere always a laugh

  6. s*x



    kiss my @ss club





    making fun of babyshows like Barney and Dora.

    making fun of soap operas like General Hospital"Genital Hospital" and "All My c**p"

    Wired Al Yankovic

    jew jokes

    fat people jokes

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