
What do you think ladies?

by  |  earlier

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I know most people get tired of questions like these...

I was just hoping to get some encouragement...Lol.

We have been trying for months...a lot of them. I tracked my ovulation and used a opk. I ovulated on the 27th...we baby danced on the 25th, 27th, and 28th. My husband is a marine and isn't always home on the right days...very irritating, lol.

We used preseed on the 27th and 28th. I elevated myself with a pillow to try to keep as much in as I could and I laid there for a long time.

What do you think about my chances?? Would you say they are pretty good? And I know it seems like it, but really I'm not stressing out over it...I would just like to know what other moms and women ttc think.

Any advice I could do other then what I am already doing?




  1. My cousin had to do the same thing she just had s*x everyday she did not just have it on ovulation days it just take some people a little while just keep doing  the "Baby Dance" till your blue in the face Good Luck Future mom>

  2. go see a doc.sorry for not alot to say like: to a docter quick u could have...blah blah blah!sorry!!

  3. your in a pickle

  4. Tell your Marine Hubby to leave some of himself behind.

  5. i will never understand why women who want to get pregnant cant, and women who dont want to do.

  6. As well as putting a pillow under you, make sure your lift up your legs and lie there for at least 20 minutes.  Sounds and looks ridiculous but worked for us!  Its natural to be impatient but you will get there.  Everyone feels this way.  I thought  it would take ages to conceive but in the end it took 3 months

    good luck!

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