
What do you think looks best?

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to determine what kind of logo would be best.

It will be a Black hand surrounded by either a round boarder or a square Boarder.

So my question to you is: Round or square?




  1. Round.

  2. square. round reminds me of like a stop sign or something.  

  3. Round like an elliptical would be cool

  4. I pick round, keeps the imaging "flowing".

  5. round!


  6. Round

  7. well if your supporting something that is fierce, and can be depressing and/or dangerous, do the square. and if your looking for more of hope or something then do the circle. idk thats just what i think. hope i helped! =]

  8. square  

  9. I would go with round. Make it look clean, smooth, and helps things flow. Not to mention if you do shirts, business cards, letterhead, and other business materials, round will look better and make the items look more professional and less harsh.

  10. A black hand? Umm.  Isn't that the Black Panthers sign? If your white I would say that's not a good idea and if you're black it's equally as bad because it kind of means your a racist.  

  11. round:]

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