
What do you think of BSM?

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I'm learning to drive but have 'sacked' my current instructor so to speak as i think he's useless. He is an instructor for the AA, yet he would snap at me if i did something wrong, slag off all his other pupils and talk on his mobile during my lesson. He charged £20 an hour but after 10 lessons i was still doing left and right turns in 1st gear!!

I told my friend who reccommended i try BSM, and was just wondering what people think of them. Are they good to learn with? Their lessons are £25 an hour more but is it worth paying the extra cash if i learn quicker?

Any other pointers appreciated! Cheers xx




  1. My instructor used to work for BSM and he said they weren't very good. They didn't treat the pupils or the staff very well. I'd probably look for a smaller school as they tend to be better. Good luck.

  2. i started with BSM my instructor was awesome. But then my instructor mover with Trio, so i stayed with him and ended up having my lessons even cheaoer! passed 1st time took 10 lessons.

  3. They are seriously overpriced.  You will get good and bad instructors in all areas.

    Try to find a local instructor with a good reputation who has been doing it years.

    If your old instructor was on the phone whilst you were driving, report him to the DSA.  Its illegal and not fair to his pupils.  He should be sacked. Period!

  4. It really does come down to the individual more than the company.  I learnt with the AA and my instructor was brilliant, so i would speak to as many people as possible in your local area to find out who they recomend.

  5. They are overpriced


    when i was doing my lessons they conned me into using a simulator - then after paying £100.00 for that then put me with an instructor that never stopped shouting. i am quite a cool person - but i was pretty close to puching this dude in the throat as he was suppose to be teaching me - not slamming on a effing n geoffing everytime i made a mistake!!

    i went on and learnt with an independant dude whose taching skills are EPIC - he would teach you without you noticing and made each lesson a joy with loads of laughter....

    he then went on for to teach all my friends, and my bros!


  7. bsm are pretty good,  I learnt with them,  took me just over a year (but 5 tests) to pass my test.

    That wasnt because they were c**p teachers,   I just got really nervous and made silly mistakes.   Got there in the end tho!

    5 years later and I havent got into a single accident (touch wood)

  8. BSM are good at getting people through the driving test.  Some of their instructors are less good at teaching you to actually DRIVE.  I've heard some police traffic officers refer to them as Brake Signal Mirror, but I've also met people who are very happy with them.

  9. All driving instructors with the big companies are just franchise holders, you'll get good and bad AA and BSM instructors, try someone your friends would recommend.


  11. they are ok.

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