
What do you think of Mediums?

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One of my best mates passed away on friday the 13th and even though it hasn't been long since he has gone i just cant get over it.

I miss him so much, I used to go out alot at night with him and have party's with him and now i just cant seem to go out and have fun just don't seem right. What i was wondering is what do you think of mediums? I want to go to one but I'm not sure if i should or not. I'm only 16 as well am i old enough? Is it to soon to go i just want to hear from him as i never got to say a goodbye.





  1. If you're interested, please keep in mind the following:

    Be sure that you choose a professional medium if you're really looking to contact someone that has passed on.

    A professional medium will never ask for large sums of money, and will deliver messages to you that can be confirmed.

    A professional medium will usually charge 60.00 - 100.00 an hour.

    They will also take your request very seriously.

    Age is never an issue, if someone is truly needing assistance.

  2. i just found out that all the women in my family on my mums side are sensitive to them sort of thing if u think it will make you feel better go to one an just c what you think

    you can do something yourself if your sat at home or anywhere an you feel a tikkaling on the top or your head then someone is around you coming to visit you just talk to them ask who it is and you might feel what they died of sound bad i no but its ok like this when my gran come i can feel a pain in my lungs and heart she died of heart problem my grandad comes i can feel him in my neck

    just try and c if you can feel him  

  3. To those who have answered with out looking at the wider picture.Not all people who can comunicate with the spirit world abuse peoples vunreabilitys . I am a medium and have never charged a penny for the gift I have been given.

    It is so easy to knock what you dont understand.

    Now to answering the question, a reptuable medium will now be insured and registerd, because yes there are some out there that do claim to see etc and charge a fortune.

    However I think your best bet is to go to your local spiritualist church and speak to some one there.They wont charge you or brain wash you, if you have any questions please feel free to email me and I will be happy to answer .

  4. Sorry, but mediums don't really work. They tell you what you want to hear. They will also get info out of you (without you realizing it) and tell it back to you, leaving you to wonder how they knew that (you told them, you just don't remember).

    And, I know it won't mean much, but sorry about your friend. =(

  5. Mediums are either hoaxers, cheats, or self-deluding eccentric people who may be capable of some form of self hypnosis or may not.

    What they are not capable of under any circumstance is making contact with any 'spirit world', or anything like it, on the 'other side'.

  6. Fake

    Search online for "cold reading" scripts that is how they do it.


  7. Mediums are all liars. Sorry about your friend. The best way to get over it is by thinking that he is in a better place and that life goes on. Take some time to think about about life and death and this will put your heart at peace.

  8. Hi

    Not all mediums are fakes, you will need to find a good one in your area, its probably best talking to people and ask their opinions on the readings they had.  However there are a few problems, i think at 16 you could be too young or need an adult to go with you, I know one of the mediums i once went to wanted you to be over 18 to go.

    Another problem is that they cannot guarantee that you will get to communicate with your friend as nothing is certain when you go to one of these readings.  Try to think about how this would make you feel - would it help you?

    You seem very upset and lonely right now, would it not be possible to speak to someone about how you are feeling - a relative or friend perhaps?  I know its hard but you should try any meet up with other friends.

    Remember if you do go to a medium - dont give away more than you need to, remember they should be telling you things and not the other way round.

    Hope this helps!

  9. Hello

    Your age could be an issue as most prefer clients to be over 18.

    As a psychic I would say that you would be too early, to go at this stage will not be beneficial to him or to your own grief process.

    Give yourself more time, talk to him, cry, keep moving forwards.


  10. mediums prey on people who are vulnerable due to a great loss, they will take advantage of your misfortune. i personally believe that they are a very cruel hoax .

    check out this site with some helpfull stuff.

  11. hey.  Sorry to hear about your friend.

    If you find a reputable medium then they can be absolutely amazing and incredibly accurate.  I have had a number of readings, some being spot on and giving me messages using phrases that only the person who has passed would know about (that can't be gained by cold reading) and some have been utter rubbish.

    I would try to find a medium through word of mouth or visit your local spiritualist church to contact someone.

    I have never heard a medium say that they won't do a reading for someone of your age.  What I would say is that if a death is recent they may not be able to make contact just yet.  Sometimes it can take a spirit a little while to come back through, particularly if the passing has been out of the blue.

    If nothing else, a genuine medium will be able to give you some peace of mind.

  12. If your close to lisa williams, go see her. She is 1 h**l of a medium.

    There are some fakes out there tho.

  13. Yes you could go to one.  You are not to young to see one.  It'll be fine.  Just make sure you go to a real one not a fake one.  Weve got a lot of pretenders nowadays.  Good luck:)  May you be blessed.

  14. it takes a long time to understand why things like this happen,and you will prob never get over your friends friend lost her 5 year old in2005 that was friday 13 may...that affected me so much as i was the apple of baileys eye,he said i was his gf lol ect so a took to him so well...he died on holiday in changed who i was as a person i have been to see councelers but to be honest that did nothing to pull me away from depression.the only thing that pulled me round was finding out i was pregnant wi my son an then i felt like i had woken up to the fact that the world goes on regardles of what happens in peoples lives..(im not sayin go get pregnant because im a lot older than you).about a month after bailey died a lady came to workwith me,she was telekinetic,we new nopthing about each other an she took me into kitchen an held my hand an told me to stop crying because he didnt like to see me crying cos thats not what he normally saw me doing......that comforted me so much......i go an see a medium an he is brilliant,i prob see him 2 times a year..........he is called richard knight if you google him you will find him.i also think it helps if you believe that when you die you do go on to another part of your life,sounds mad but when im upset i go sit up at bailys grave an talk to him,its my kind of escape from the madness of everyday life..hope this helps xxxxx alison xxxxxxx  

  15. The Skeptics Guide to the Universe.

    I've been listening to it for a long time. I've learned so much. I used to think such things possible, but when you look at the cold hard facts - it's pseudo-science.

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