
What do you think of hippies?

by Guest31840  |  earlier

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I would never not shower or protest but I just like the environment and being a treehugger but I have no problem of people cutting down trees because there is plenty and we are planting trees anyways. The only thing I dont like is cutting down the animals home or destorying there landscape but I dont think its as bad as some people think. Im not a hippie but a hippie at heart. I use internet and technology and live a normal life but I "feel" for the environment. Is all this stupid?




  1. if everyone on earth made a effort things would get better

    change starts with one

  2. Hippies ar efun to sleep with but they tend to smell bad

  3. i really dislike the hippie movement but, over time I have had to concede that there are many positive things that came from it

    i dont think you're being stupid

  4. No. Not at all.

  5. No, that is not stupid.

    Now come into the real world. Hippy's in the past, or should I say, SOME may not have showered, but most people Hippy's do. I am a Hippy, now drug free, and work, raise my kids and support my wife, in whatever she does.

    I have long hair, because I choose to be what I think I am.

    For instance - let say you have a lisp. Does that mean all people who have a lisp must be retarded? I think not.

    You claim to be a Hippy at heart - well, that's a good thing. Right on Bro.

    Never clump people in a group. Bikers get a bad rap, because some h**l's Angels are very bad people. Does that mean - All bikers are bad?

    Think about it...

  6. I hate hippies. They need to get off the weed and get a job.

    Theres some right wing thinking for you.

  7. dirty folks that dont shower is what comes to my mind.

  8. I like them. I generally dont like their politics but I like their ability to ignore popular culture and do their own thing. I like trees too. In some cases it is fine to cut trees in others it is not.

  9. I think there's so many vile people in this world that kill others, molest children, only care about themselves, take advantage of seniors, etc....that hippies are VERY VERY VERY LOW on my list of groups i have a problem with.

  10. What is "stupid" is that apparently you think environmentalists are "hippies."

    Uh...welcome to the 21st Century, pal. All intelligent, rational, responsible, thinking ADULTS are aware of and respect their place in the Web of Life.

    All living things are connected - that is a fact. Whether or not one chooses to live responsibly is directly proportional to their IQ and accountability level.

    Welcome to the Light Side.

  11. same here

    (**except the tree thing i dont think its ok to cut down trees but i know sometimes its essential**)

    but werent hippies protesting war (**wich i dont like either**)

    but im for the enviorment and recycling

    my friends call me green-peace becouse im always nagging ppl to recycle

    im captain fo the green-club at our school

    so  i think its great to be a tree- hugger

  12. hippies are draft dodgers during the vietnam war and ran away to Canada

  13. Not at all. You care about the enviorment and from what I hear, chicks dig that lol.

  14. youre just conscious about the environment and stuff, its better than most people. think of yourself as a neohippie, with drugs excluded

    im assuming drugs excluded

  15. NO, not at all.  How can anyone hate the life of a hippy?  They are relaxed and want things to be ran smoothly.  There is a hippy in all of us, deep down.

  16. You're just an environmentalist...sort can't be a tree-hugger if you think that it's ok for people to cut down trees because we have too we don't...and I like protesting.

    Hippieas are really far out...except none of these so-called hippies today do anything except sit on their butts all day.

  17. Yes Louie it is.

  18. 1 1/2 acres a second of forest being cut down, kind of seems like a big deal.

    Only 2% of all garbage in the world in recycled and countries like China don't recycle at all.

    Those are just a few....It kind of seems like a big deal.

  19. To complete the hippie transformation, get about 16 joints 3 guitars and 20 S****y college girls, who will totally do you if you save half of an acorn.

  20. Yeah, I don't like hippies.

    I don't like clearcutting or irresponsible forestry either.

    I am a conservationist. That's the word for if you care about the environment but still hate hippies.

  21. I just love the way they dress, its so vintage!!!

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