
What do you think of homework?

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homework... a lot of kids hate it

but i have a few questions to it especially towards teachers


why homework? why give us homework? we already go to school for app. 8 hours a day and when we come home we'd like some downtime to spend with family, friends, boyfriends/girlfriends and well just you know to have a social life.

the average kid my age needs 8 hours of sleep

so add it up:

8 hours of sleep

8 hours of school

+ 5 hours of homework ((i took a survey from kids from different schools and this the averaged amount of hours it takes for kids to do their homework))


so now thats 21 hours down the drain

now we come to the eating breakfast, dinner, shower, and doing dishes

that takes about an hour all together

so now we're over to 22 hours

and that leaves us with 2 hours

2 hours to spend time with your family, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, do chores, get ready for the next day of school, relax, spend some time on the computer

and also alot of kids join sports and or have a pet so the sports takes about an hour

and walking a pet say 5 to 10 mins?

so what does that leave kids with? 50 minutes?

50 minutes to spend time with people you care about?

50 minutes to relax after a long day?

50 minutes to complete chores?

50 minutes to read a book?

50 minutes to play video games?

50 minutes to all the things i listed above is simply quite not enough

maybe for some kids but not for me

my parents are always gone on the weekends for business trips so i can only see them during the week and so 5 x 50= is about 250 minutes

so 6905 mins. on school days is how much i spend going to school, sleeping, and doing homework and chores, and sports, and taking care of my pet

250 minutes is how much i spend a week with my parents


i am talking about a daily thing why so much in just 5 days? and why so much homework? its not like we're gonna forget everything over night!

sorry this is so long but im trying to make a point especially towards teachers

why give us so much homework?




  1. they want to control us at home

  2. I agree 100%....homework is 2 much of a pain after 8 hours of school. i mean COME ON! People have life's.

  3. They say its so we can make sure we understand what there teaching us because were doing it on our own. But in my school we usually do it by ourselves in class too & nobody does it or homework because the teachers dont teach it in the first place. they give tons of homework & excpect you to teach yourself

  4. i don't think any teachers get on this  

  5. Why have you not asked your teachers this question?  In fact, you have nothing to whine about; your European contemporaries go to school much longer than you do and are required to master at least two foreign languages as well.  If you were a Japanese student, you'd go to school many more hours a week, have class six days a week and spend most of every Sunday studying.  You got it easy, kid!

  6. idk

  7. Here is an answer to your question:

    By the way, I agree that homework takes up too much time- for kids and parents!

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