
What do you think would...?

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make a great animated TV show for late teens and adults?




  1. Adult swim.

  2. Death Note...

  3. "The Adventures of Dr. McNinja."  "Dr. McNinja is a doctor who is also a ninja."

    Dr. McNinja is a webcomic about a doctor who is also a ninja.  It is possibly the most awesome comic ever.  Think about all the craziest c**p ever that would be stupid in most circumstances.  But then it's actually crazy awesome.  Think of every awesome thing from your childhood.  It's all in there.  Raptor-riding banditos, zombie Ben Franklins, doctors who are also ninjas, mustaches, Ronald McDonald, Paul Bunyon, Gorillas, pirates, and shuriken shamrocks.  And other things that are just too amazing for the human brain.  This would make a great animated TV show for late teens and adults.

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