
What do you think??PLEASE HELP!!!?

by  |  earlier

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To start with my dreams of high school are ruined...I dream of having a 4.0 GPA and stuff but my freshman didn't went well because I had to attend the doctor office lately and missed school, then my shoremore year I did great and my GPA went from a 2.9 GPA(4.0 scale) to a 3.3(4.0 scale) ; 3.0 GPA(5.0 scale) to a 3.6(5.0 scale) but what's bugging me is that I only took a honor class my freshman year and had double math class that counted as one(because I didn't pass my math taks test in 8 grade....which I think it isn't fair because many didn't pass it and didn't had that class). In my shoremore year I took 4 honor classes and double class!! I just think I ruined everything I dreamed of.....I see all the 4.0 Students and just start to cry because I know that I could have been that if stuff didn't turn out the way it did!! What do yall I have a possibility to get into a good university or college?????How can I stopped thinking about what if???PLEASE, I NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Stop obsessing over it and just take it easy. Start taking a bunch of AP classes...I got into Johns Hopkins with my 3.5 unweighted, and a 6.0 (not a 5.0 scale) weighted. Also, make sure you do amazingly well on your SATs. Good luck!

  2. yall lol i love the south...roll tide...anywho uh honestly i just started college and none of that matters at all i was in your shoes and grants are the way to go....hs is about having fun...and so is college just chill youll be fine!

  3. no relation to Language section

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