
What do you tkink about Germany?

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What do you tkink about Germany?




  1. We spent four years living in Germany.  We loved it.  Got to see and experience a different culture.  Sure some things we did not adapt to but we truly enjoyed our time there.  Lots to see and countries are so close that we did travel alot.  Very interesting, as european countries are very old with a lot of history.

  2. I live in Germany since almost 10 years and I love it. The german people are quite tidy, they normally have a plan for everything. They are really  reliable. They do not open themselves at once, but when they do it, you can be sure it is for ever. When the ice is broken, they are really nice and warm people.

    Because they ask themselves so much, they expect a lot from you.

    If we talk about the country, landscape etc. I would say it is really  a wonderful place. Germans really care about ecology and the landscapes you can enjoy from the Plains in the  North to the Alps in the South are beautiful. In additions there is much history to find here: Castles, palaces, old inner cities ...

    I have to say, I am really in love with this country.

  3. I am a German native, also; I have lived in the US since 20 years. I just read all the answers to your questions and almost started crying - I really am happy and proud how foreigners think of my country (Thanks for asking your question). I came to the States because of my ex-husband (we are divorced since a year), and I stayed because of my children and my job. Yes, the US is my home now, but every time I visit Germany (usually once a year) it actually gets harder to come back, I still love Germany with all my heart - it is a beautiful country with hard working, honest people. And as many of the answers say, it is true, the Germans do not easily give away their friendship, meaning, they might be cautious and shy at first; however, once they like you, and once they told you, you are their friend, you can count on them forever. All the time I have lived here, I have hardly met anyone who is still in contact with school friends. My best friend from Germany I have met when  I was 13 (I am now 42), and we just visited her this summer, I have another friend whom I still write letters with and talk on the phone since I am 5 years old, and I even got a letter from my favourite high school teacher! So, you can be sure, once you have made friends with a German, they are your friend forever!!!!

  4. I LOVE it there. It is really beautiful and I hope to move there and live there someday. I especially like the Southern Area. I haven't really seen a lot alot of the north.

  5. well I live in Germany... I like it here but I wanna move. For holidays or so its really nice but everytime when I come back from the UK I feel strange in Germany its a really nice country but that was happened soooo much years ago with hitler is still in some heads and some peoples says ohh the (bad word) Germans.. and so.

    I like Germany really but I will leave here are not really much jobs and to geht an apprentership is very hard.

    So on one side I love it here and want to stay but on the other side I want to leave because here is no future.

  6. Germany is a nice place. Everything clean. They have good organizations here, much different than in US. People nice, they all learning English in the 3. Grade, Germany is very safe, I feel comfortable here also my friends from the military, they don't like to go back to US.

  7. I think its a great country,and lots of fun u can do!

    Althou Ive never visited Germany befor!

  8. not sure, mixed feelings, on one hand Germans might be nice now and then but most of the time they´re very rude!

  9. They have the best loving men

  10. I am anxious to see all the answers... I think it is a great country!!! Although I don't agree with everything happening here, I still think it has the potential of being a great country.

  11. I've lived in Stuttgart for three years now.  My opinion is that Germany is a great place to live, & for westerners to vacation.  Like anywhere else however, your opinion will be based on your experiences and whether you are open minded to a different culture and way of life.  

    Overall, Germans are very organized, punctual, and typically plan every detail out, regardless of the task.  Whether you live in a house or an apartment, you will find that your neighbors all take great pride in keeping up their yards, and the section of sidewalk / road in front of their home.  (These are all qualities that I really admire.)  

    There are other differences between living in Germany, as opposed to living in the U.S.  For example, here in this part of Germany, they have "quiet hours" from 8PM until 8AM Mon - Fri, and all day Sunday.  Basically, this helps ensure some peace and quiet, which everyone appreciates from time to time.

    Additionally, Germans are REALLY into ecology, recycling, and animals.  Everyone (as a rule) sorts and recycles their garbage.  Overall, the mindset is, "Well of course, why would you NOT recycle?"  Those opposed to the idea of recycling quickly determine which they dislike more, reclycling, or being fined for not doing so...

    Back to animals for a moment, another thing I love about Germany is that people can take their dogs into malls, most restaurants, and many other places prohibited in the U.S.  On that note, German's dogs are without a doubt the most well behaved, calm animals I've ever seen.  You don't even know they are there until you see them.    

    IMPORTANT POINT - Any American planning a trip to Germany, or Europe in general...I can say firsthand that most Europeans do not have a good overal impression of Americans, based ALMOST 100% on those Americans who come here acting like rude, stuck-up *******, to whom the world should bow simply because you're from the U.S.  Now,  I'll be the first to tell how proud I am to be American, but keep things in perspective, PLEASE.  Act the way you would want a European visiting your home town to act & that will make all the difference.  (This will also be greatly appreciated by those of us living here.  Lastly, there are very few places on the Autobahn with no speed limits.  Most places have a 120km limit (75mph), however, drivers of most large sedans don't realize that this applies to them...stay clear of the left lane unless you are a low-flying aircraft.

    Germans are typically somewhat reserved, but once you get to know them a little, are extremely helpful, kind, and courteous people.  My experience has been that they will go well out of their way to help whenever they can.

    Lastly, the architecture, and geography is incredible & the transportation systems make travel throughout Germany and Europe a breeze.

    I hope this is helpful to you & that if you come over, that you enjoy your stay.  I love it here and plan to be here for quite some time.  Tschuss!!

  12. Its a fantastic place

  13. It is an amazing place, full of wonderful friendly and full of life people.  It is overflowing with historical landmarks and likewise very modern. If its scenic endeavors you desire look no further than the one and only Deutschland.

  14. awesome to the max

  15. One word...LOVED IT!!!!! LOL. The people are very nice, polite and remarkably well behaved. And CLEAN! Of course only visited a couple of towns, but if they were an indication of the rest of the country....Also the best meal I have ever eaten was in Germany. Some small town in Bavaria, near the Alps. OMG!!!! Can't wait to get back, planning a trip next year for a month!

  16. the first thing that comes into my mind when i think of Germany is Hitler. No offense to Germans, but that's how I got to know Germany.

    Not saying that it's a bad place. It used to be back in the 30s and 40s, but now it's cool. I've been there once and it was alright

  17. Gemany is a Country, which is located somewhere in the globe !:-)

  18. absolutely love Germany.

    I hate how some people say Germans are ignorant and have a horrible attitude. It's just not true.

    Amazing country and proud I'm learning the language through Uni :)

    p.s. they have amazing milkshake, I have to buy it whenever I go to Germany. Münster it's called, mmmmmmm

  19. Germany is a great place.  I have lived here for a year and a half and it has been great.  We are located so that we can travel all over without much difficulty. The people are great and the scenery is beautiful.  I will say that everything being closed on Sunday took awhile to get used to but it gives you a lot of time with your family which the Germans are all about.

  20. ive been there about 10-11 tiems, My Grandparents live in a small town outside of Stuttgart called "Weil Im Schoenbuch"

    i love it there, u can ride your bike anywhere areoudn town, I can go hang out with my friends in Germany and play soccer with them, there are tons of thing to do..

    Beautiful landscape, great people, The Hills around there are so beautiful

    if you havent been to Germany i suggest you go

  21. A great country with very polite people, also the police and the immigrations-officers!

    Watch for bavarians

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